Kerala Agricultural University Thrissur (KAU THRISSUR) - Time Table

State University


Thrissur, Kerala

State University


Thrissur, Kerala

KAU Time Table 2020: Semester Exam Schedule, How to check?

Updated On - July 26 2020 by Payal Srivastava

KAU Time Table 2020: KAU releases the time table in online mode. The examination of the Kerala Agricultural University will be conducted in the semester mode. The semester examinations are carried out at the end of each semester. The examination time table will be published in online mode at the official website. The time table will be uploaded in pdf format. Candidates can check KAU Time Table on this page. There are few details such as exam date, day, time, subject, session, etc. are mentioned on the KAU time table. Candidates must register for the semester examination before the last date. Candidates can refer to this article to know the steps to check the time table and admit card of exams KAU etc.

KAU Time Table 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Kerala Agricultural University Time Table in the following table:

KAU Time Table Highlights
Name of the UniversityKerala Agricultural University
CoursesUG, PG and PhD
Time Table Releasing ModeOnline
AddressP.O, N.H. 47, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala 680656
Official Website

KAU Time Table 2020 How to check?

The Time Table of KAU is available online at the official website of the university. Candidates can check KAU Time Table 2020 by following the steps mentioned below.
  • Visit the KAU  official website.
  • KAU official page will open.
  • Then go to the examination news and click on the section of university time table.
  • Click on the time table link.
  • Then in a new tab, a page will open related to the time table.
  • Check the time table and download the same.

Details printed on the time table of KAU

Candidates can find and check the list of printed details on KAU Time Table.
  • Exam Name
  • Exam Date & Day
  • Exam Time
  • Subject Name and Code
  • Semester
  • Session
  • Important Instructions

KAU Time Table 2020 Important Instruction Regarding the Examination

Students eligible for the examination are advised to follow the instructions given by the examiner / vigilator before the examination begins. The key points to be followed
on exam day are described below:
  • Candidates should reach the examination hall 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam.
  • Students should carry admit card and valid identity card on the day of the exam.
  • Take care of the question paper provided is correct or not, before writing your exam.
  • There is a prohibition to carry any unfair means such as Mobile Phone/Pager, Scanner pen or camera, or any electronic/digital gadget, etc inside the examination hall.
  • Students are advised to bring their stationery items. Exchanging of stationery is not allowed during the exam.
  • Avoid any kind of malpractice during the exam. If any candidate found involved in malpractice then he/she shall be booked under the UFM.
  • If supportive material, other than that which is necessarily permitted, is found at or by the desk, it may be treated as an attempt to cheat and relevant procedures for cheating will be followed. 

Preparation Tips Regarding the KAU Time Table 2020 Examination

KAU 's examination pattern is based on the pattern of the semester exam. Candidates must prepare well before the examination to pass their respective subjects and start the next semester with no backlogs. Several tips for students on preparation are given below:
  • Practice previous year question papers as many as possible.
  • The candidates should refer best and good books as referred by the faculty.
  • Discuss the topics with faculties or friends to clear the doubts.
  • Make important notes.
  • They should always take the help of your faculties and prepare proper notes.
  • Prepare yourself according to the syllabus.

KAU Admit Card 2020

The KAU always releases the admit card for all the eligible students. KAU Admit Card is made available online under the Student Portal or students can also take from the University. Students have to sign in using their mobile number and password to access the admit card. For all candidates, admit card is an essential document that must be carried on each day of the exam. Candidates without the admit card are not permitted within the exam hall. It is recommended that the admit card be kept secure before the examination result is published.
Candidates should follow these steps to check and download the admit card of KAU exams:
  • Visit the official website of KAU.
  • Go to examination news.
  • Then click on admit card and download it.
  • Take the print out of the admit card

Kerala Agricultural University

Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) is the primary and principal instrument of Kerala State in the provision of human resources and skills and technology required
for the sustainable development of its agriculture, broadly defined as encompassing all land- and water-based production activities, including crop (agricultural), forestry and fisheries, through conduct. The University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Banking & Management Co-operation),
six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations, and 16 Fisheries, Fisheries, and Research & Extension Units for Forests. Yet one academy of adaptation to climate change
and one center of agricultural production offering M.Sc.(Integrated) Climate change adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences also operate in the University of Agriculture of Kerala respectively.


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