Kerala Agricultural University Thrissur (KAU THRISSUR) - Results

State University


Thrissur, Kerala

State University


Thrissur, Kerala

KAU Result 2020: Semester Result, How to check?

Updated On - July 26 2020 by Payal Srivastava

KAU Result 2020 will be released by Kerala Agricultural University. KAU will publish the semester-wise results for the exams conducted by it. KAU conducts semester exams twice a year. Kerala Agricultural University conducts even semester examinations in April- May while odd semester exams are conducted in November-December. All the results for the are published within the 2-3 weeks of examination. KAU is also supposed to release the revaluation result, Toppers List, and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the KAU website. 

KAU Result 2020

Kerala Agricultural University will release the Even semester i.e. (2nd, 4th, 6th) once the exam is conducted by the university. KAU provides an opportunity for students to revaluate the copy of the Examination answer sheet of B.Sc(Hons), and all other courses that are not satisfied with the marks secured by them in the semester exam.All candidates must visit the official website and check the respective courses and the results of the year/semester examination using the roll number and the number of the registration.

How to download KAU Result 2020?

The Kerala Agricultural University will release the semester exam result in online mode at its official website. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download KAU Result 2020.
  • Step 1: Visit the KAU official website.
  • Step 2: Search for the examination news by scrolling down the page.
  • Step 3: After that, select the course link for which students want to check the result.
  • Step 4: The result will open in PDF form.
  • Step 5: Download the PDF for the future safe.

Details Printed on KAU Result 2020

Candidates are advised to check out the details printed on the semester exam result of the Kerala Agricultural University.

  • University name
  • Name of the candidate
  • Father’s name
  • Enrolled course
  • List of all subject name
  • Marks (maximum and obtained)
  • Grade
  • whether passed or failed
Note: In any case of disperiency, candidates must contact the exam conducting authority of the university.

KAU Semester Exams

The semester final examinations shall be held at the end of each semester in each course. The final semester assessment is basically a two-and-a-half-hour theoretical paper. It is the University's responsibility to administer the final semester test the theory portion. The corresponding colleges shall administer the realistic tests. In affiliated colleges shall perform the final realistic test and review it by the-named University College instructor.

Revaluation of Answer Sheet

Kerala Agricultural University provides an opportunity for candidates who are not happy with the marks they secure to apply for revaluation or can request a copy of the response sheet for the test. The methods of revaluation will be accessible on-line on the official website of the university. Under no conditions will the University consider incomplete forms.  candidate will have to apply for revaluation of answer sheet only during the dates set by the authority. Candidates have not the authority to apply for the revaluation of answer sheet of any other applicant. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.

KAU Revaluation Application

After the declaration of result, in case any student is not satisfied with his/ her result. He/ She can opt for the Revaluation of the subject exam. Candidates can apply for the rechecking of the answer sheet within one week and declare the main result.

  • Visit the official website of the Kerala Agricultural University i.e.
  • Now go to the Examination News Section which is available in the home page.
  • Click on the Revaluation Result link available on the notice board tab.
  • Now select your courses year branch, which results in what you want to check.
  • Enter roll number and finally press the submit button
  • Your Result will be appearing on your screen.
  • Candidate must print the result for future reference.

Kerala Agriculture University

Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) is Kerala State's primary and principal instrumentality in the provision of human resources and skills and technology needed for the
sustainable development of its agriculture, broadly described as encompassing all land- and water-based production activities, including crop production (agricultural), forestry and fisheries, through conducting. The University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Banking & Management Co-operation), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Fisheries, Fisheries, and Forestry Research and Extension Units. However, one climate change adaptation academy and one agricultural development center offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Adaptation to climate change and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences also work in Kerala Agricultural University, respectively.


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