University of Mumbai Mumbai (MU MUMBAI) - Results

State University


Mumbai, Maharashtra

State University


Mumbai, Maharashtra

MU Mumbai Result 2020: Semester and Annual Exam Result, How to check?

Updated On - July 29 2020 by Khusboo

MU Mumbai Result 2020: MU Mumbai Result for the main exam is uploaded online at candidate Portal. Students have to access the Student Portal to check the MU Mumbai Result. The mobile number and password are required to access through the student portal. Candidates can check the MU Mumbai Result to know the total marks, remarks and grade. MU Mumbai Result 2020 will be available faculty wise. Candidates can check seat no, subject wise marks, total and result etc on the web. Students can even verify their marks. The minimum percentage is required for a student to get a pass in the examination. Candidates can refer to this article to know the steps to check the result and apply for revaluation of answer sheet etc.

MU Mumbai Result 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Result of MU Mumbai in the following table:
MU Mumbai Result Highlights
Name of the UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
CoursesUG, PG and PhD
Result Releasing ModeOnline
AddressMahatma Gandhi Road, Kolivery Village, University of Mumbai, Vidya Nagari, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400032
Official Website

MU Mumbai Result 2020 Important Links

Candidates can find important links by which they can check the result of various courses and get the latest updates from the table given below:

MU Mumbai Result Important links
B.M.S.- M.B.A. (FIVE YEAR INTEGRATED COURSE) (SEM 10) (CBSGS) June 20, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART 1)(OTHER THAN IDOL)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART 2)(OTHER THAN IDOL)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART 1) (SEM-2)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART 1) (SEM-2)(CBCGS)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.E.(Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) (SEM-1) (CBCGS)June 14, 2020Click Here
Master of Pharmacy (SEM-1) (CBCS) (REV)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.E.(COMPUTER ENGINEERING) (SEM-1) (CBCGS)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.A. In Entertainment and Media & Advertisement (SEM-1)(CBCS)(R-2019)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART II) (SEM IV)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART II) (SEM IV)(CBCGS)June 14, 2020Click Here
B.M.S.- M.B.A. (FIVE YEAR INTEGRATED COURSE) (SEM IX) (CBSGS) (75:25)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART II) (SEM-III)June 14, 2020Click Here
M.Sc. (PART II) (SEM-III)(CBCGS)June 14, 2020Click Here
MCA Semester- V ResultsMarch 12, 2020Click Here
MCA Semester IV ResultsMarch 12, 2020Click  Here
B.Com Semester- VI ResultsMarch 12, 2020Click Here
B.Ed Sem-1 CBCS ResultsMarch 12, 2020Click Here
Master Of Education (Sem-I) (2 Years Rev Course)(CBCS)March 06 2020Click Here
Bachelor Of Science (Aeronautics)(Sem-V)(CBCS) (REV)March 05 2020Click Here
M.A. DegreeMarch 05 2020Click Here
M.A.communication & Journalism (Sem-iii)(cbcs)February 29, 2020Click Here
B.M.S.(equivalent) (Sem Vi) (Cbsgs) (60:40) B.m.s. Equivelent Subject (Old) Sem-VIFebruary 29, 2020Click Here
M.e. Mechanical Engineering (Cad/cam And Robotics) (Sem-I) (Cbcgs)February 29, 2020Click Here
Master Of Science (Forensic Science) Sem-III (Cbcs)(rev)February 29, 2020Click Here
Bachelor Of Science (Information Technology) Degree (Sem-VI)(revised Course)February 29, 2020Click Here
Master in Computer Application (Sem 5) (Choice) ResultFebruary 25, 2020Click Here
Master of Science (Home Science) (Choice Based) (Sem 1) resultFebruary 25, 2020Click Here
M.E. Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering Subjects) Sem 2(CBCGS) ResultFebruary 18, 2020Click Here
M.A.Film Studies Sem 4(CBCS) ResultFebruary 18, 2020Click Here
M.A.Film Studies Sem 3(CBCS) ResultFebruary 18, 2020Click Here
T.Y.B.A. (REV-IDOL) ResultFebruary 17, 2020Click Here
M.A.(Honours) in Public Policy Sem.-III(CBCS) ResultFebruary 17, 2020Click Here
M.A.(Entertainment Media & Advertisement)Sem-IV(CBCS)ResultFebruary 17, 2020Click Here
1st year Engineering Sem 2(Old to CBSGS) ResultFebruary 17, 2020Click Here
M.E.(Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)Sem 2(CBCGS)ResultFebruary 17, 2020Click Here
M.A.(Communication Journalism)Sem 4(CBCS)ResultFebruary 17, 2020Click Here
B.Sc. (HOSPITALITY STUDIES) (SEM V) (CBCS)February 15, 2020Click Here
M.A. FILM STUDIES (SEM.-III)(CBSGS)February 15, 2020Click Here
M.A.(ELECTRONIC MEDIA)(SEM-IV)(CBCS)February 15, 2020Click Here
M.A.(TELEVISION STUDIES)(SEM-IV)(CBCS)February 15, 2020Click Here
M.A.(PUBLIC RELATIONS)(SEM-IV)(CBCS)February 15,2020Click Here
M.A.(Hons) in English (Sem-IV)(CBCS) ResultFebruary 10,2020Click Here
B.Sc. (Nautical Science) (Sem V) (CBCS) ResultFebruary 07,2020Click Here
Master of Library and Information Science (CBCS) SEM-I ResultFebruary 07,2020Click Here
M.A.(Honours) IN Sociology (Sem-III)(CBCS)February 06,2020Click Here
FIRST YEAR ENGINEERING 2nd SemesterFebruary 1, 2020Click Here
B.E. (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) 7th Semester (REVISED TO CBGS COURSE)January 31, 2020Click Here
B.E. (CIVIL ) 7th Semester (REVISED TO CBGS COURSE)January 31, 2020Click Here
M.E (Mechanical Engineering) - Machine Design 2nd Semester (CBSGS)January 31, 2020Click Here
B.ED 2nd Semester (CBCS)January 31, 2020Click Here
M.E (MECHANICAL - ENERGY SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT) 2nd Semester (CBCGS)January 30, 2020Click Here
LL.B./B.L.S. 10th SemesterJanuary 30, 2020Click Here
Engineering Semester 1st Semester (CREDIT BASED GRADING SYSTEM)January 30, 2020Click Here
M.Com 1st Semester (CBGS)January 29, 2020Click Here
Transport Management, 5th Semester (CHOICE BASED)January 29, 2020Click Here
M.F.S.M 1st Semester (REV) CBSGSJanuary 29, 2020Click Here
Master of Library and Information Science, 3rd Semester (CBCS)January 28, 2020Click Here
M.E.(Civil Engineering) Construction Engineering and Management, 2nd Semester (CBCGS)January 28, 2020Click Here
T.Y.B.COM. 6th Semester (CBSGS)January 27, 2020Click Here
LL.B. DEGREE, 6th SemesterJanuary 27, 2020Click Here
MASTER OF PHARMACY (CBSGS), 2nd SemesterJanuary 27, 2020Click Here
Bacherlor of Commerce (Financial Management) 5th Semester (CBSGS)January 24, 2020Click Here
B.SC. (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 6th semesterJanuary 24, 2020Click Here
B.Com. Third Year (Investment Management) 6th Semester (Choice Based)January 24, 2020Click Here
MASTER OF SCIENCE (HOME SCIENCE) (CHOICE BASED) 3rd SemesterJanuary 24, 2020Click Here
LL.B. DEGREE 5th SemesterJanuary 24, 2020Click Here
FE CBCS (C Scheme) Semester-IJanuary 24, 2020Click Here

MU Mumbai Result 2020 How to check?

Mumbai University conducts exams in both semester and yearly format. The examinations of Odd Semester are conducted in November and December and even semester in May- June 2020. Results are published within 2 months of the examination. Candidates are advised to follow the below-mentioned steps to check MU Results:

  • Visit the official website of the University of Mumbai
  • Click on “Exams and Results” and the candidate will be redirected to a new page.
  • Now click on “Alternative link for Mumbai University Results”, 
  • Now select your course name and a PDF file of the result will open.
  • Download and Save the Result for further use.

MU Mumbai Result 2020 Revaluation of Answer Sheets

Mumbai University provides the facility of Revaluation/Verification being the largest university with lakhs of students writing exams every year, the university also has the facility of Revaluation/ Verification of the answer copies. Candidates can get a printout of their answer sheets once the result is announced by the university.

The students are allowed by the university to apply for revaluation/re-totalling/ photocopy of answer books immediately after the announcement of the result. Students can apply through an online portal. For revaluation/re-totalling/ photocopy of answer books, candidates have to pay the fees as prescribed by the University. The results will be declared online after revaluation/re-totalling process. After the valuation, the marks will be entered in front of the examiners. Then, at last, the examiner will check and certify all the marks to the candidates.

The university usually announces the revaluation results any time before the semester examination. Unlike regular examination results. 

How to Apply for MU Revaluation?

  • Go to Mumbai University’s Official Website.
  • Hover the cursor over the ‘ Students’ tab on the home page.
  • Then click on the “Examination” tab and automatically the student will be redirected to the new page.
  • Click on ‘Result for Revaluation Cases’.
  • Select courses and check the revaluation result.

Mumbai University Examination Form

The examination form of all the courses and programs has been released by the Mumbai University. Now students can download the application form from the official website of the university and submit it to the registrar’s office. Forms for change in subject, application for revaluation, semester examination, backlog reappearance are available at this site.  Follow the below-mentioned steps to know how to download the examination form:

  • Click on the official website of Mumbai University
  • Click on “Forms” tab from the home page 
  • This will lead to a page where the exam forms would be listed
  • Click on the relevant form needed, download it and take a print out. 
  • Fill the application form manually.
  • Pay the application fee online/ offline. Attach the payment receipt and the filled form and submit at the registrar’s office at the university.

Mumbai University Evaluation Scheme

Mumbai university follows Credit Based Evaluation Scheme of Examination. According to this, students have the freedom of opting for subjects about their interest. The total of the credits allocated to each subject must meet the minimum credit requirement for clearing the semester. 

The Evaluation is done in two Components: Internal Assessment and Semester end Assessment. Internal Assessment component carries 25% marks and the Semester end component carries 75% marks.  Internal Assessment is calculated through class tests, participation in activities, seminars, viva voce etc and Semester End Component is a written test of two and a half hours.  Students will have to score a minimum of 40% marks (internal + semester end) in aggregate for each subject.

They must have scored 10 out of 25 in internal and 30 out of 75 in the semester-end assessment. Not only this, but they also need to score a minimum score grade of E to pass the semester. 

Mumbai University Grading Scheme

Mumbai University uses different scales of grading scheme for evaluation:

  • 7 point scale for Pure Sciences, Commerce, Arts and other fields. In this case, the percentage shall be calculated on the percentage of marks obtained by the students. 
  • 10 Point scale for Engineering streams. In this case, the percentage shall be calculated based on the given formula:
    Percentage(%) = (7.1 * CGPA) +11

MU Mumbai Result 2020 Distance Education Results 

Students can check the results for distance education programs from Mumbai University IDOL’s official website. Check for distance education (IDOL) revised, old, second-year and third-year B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Com, MA, BA and MCA results.

How to Check MU IDOL Result?

  • Visit the official website, i.e
  • Click on the “Distance and Open Learning” tab present at the top of the home page.
  • Search for the “Result” Tab.
  • View/download the respective result.

MU Mumbai

The University of Mumbai is mandated by the University Grants Commission and was established in the year 1857. Its campus spans in 230 acres and Is located at Mumbai, Maharashtra. University offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, M.Phil, Doctorate, Diploma in Arts, Science, Commerce, Social Work, Law, etc. in different departments. It offers bachelors, masters and Doctoral courses, as well as diplomas and certificates in many disciplines like the Arts, Commerce, Science, Medical and Engineering.




















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