University of Madras Chennai (UNOM CHENNAI) - Admission

State University


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

State University


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Madras University Admission 2023: Courses, Eligibility, Application

Updated On - February 26 2023 by Abhinandan Singh

Madras University is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council(NAAC) and was established in the year 1857. Its campus is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and offers  Diploma, Postgraduate, Doctorate, Certificate courses along with Undergraduate courses through distance learning programs to provide a better future for their alumni. University provides scholarships to students who hold good academic records and various facilities at a campus like Medical Support systems, Library & Information Centers, Practical Lab, IT Centers, Auditorium, Seminar Room, LCD Projectors, WiFi, etc.

Madras University collaborated with big companies like TCS, ICICI Bank, CITI union bank, Bajaj, Wipro, etc. for offers great placement opportunities to their alumni.

Madras University Admission 2023

The University of Madras, located in Chennai, offers admissions to various undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses. The admission process for the academic year 2023-24 is expected to commence in the month of May 2023. Here are some important points regarding the admission process at the University of Madras:

  • The University offers admission to undergraduate courses based on merit obtained in the qualifying examination.
  • For postgraduate courses, the admission is based on the marks obtained in the entrance test conducted by the University.
  • Admissions to MBA and MCA courses are done based on the TANCET scores.
  • Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from universities other than the University of Madras need to obtain an eligibility certificate from the University to be eligible for admission.
  • The University also offers Ph.D. and M.Phil. programs in various fields. Admissions to these courses are based on entrance tests and interviews conducted by the University.
  • The University conducts separate entrance tests for M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs. Candidates who have qualified in NET/JRF/SLET/GATE/CSIR are exempted from the entrance test.
  • Application forms for admission to various courses are available online on the University website. Candidates need to register themselves and fill the application form online. The application fee can be paid online or through demand draft.
  • The University also offers distance education programs through its Institute of Distance Education (IDE). The admission process for IDE programs is also done online through the University website.

Prospective candidates are advised to visit the official website of the University for detailed information about the admission process, eligibility criteria, application procedure, and important dates.


Madras University Admission 2023 Highlights

General details about Madras University:-

Madras University
University NameUniversity of Madras Chennai
Type of UniversityState University
Accredited byNAAC
Authorized byUGC, AIU
Application ModeOnline/Offline
Admission CriteriaMerit-List/Qualifying Exa,
Scholarship ProvidedYes
Official Website

Those candidates who are interested in Degree courses can check Fees and Courses structure.

Madras University Admission 2023 Dates

CoursesAdmission OpenAdmission ClosesExam Date
Master of Law - April 2023-
Master of Arts/Science - June 2023July 2023
Master of Computer Applications
UG Program -  June 2023
Diploma/ PG Diploma-  June 2023
Ph.D- July 2023-

Madras University Courses for Admission 2023: Arts

Candidates who seek to take admission for MA can check full eligibility and selection criteria below:-

CoursesSpecializationsMinimum EligibilityBasis of Selection
MAAncient HistoryGraduation degree in relevant field with respective subjectsMerit-List prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
Historical Studies
Lifelong Learning
Human Resource Management
Women's Studies
Defense & Strategic Studies
Public Administration
Political Science
 International Relations
 Public Affairs
 Financial Economics 
 Indian Philosophy
Yoga: Theory and
 Journalism &
 Journalism- Online
Comparative Religion and
Philosophy(Saiva Siddhanta)
Comparative Religion and
Agamas & Pannirutirumurai)
Comparative Religion and
Philosophy(Christian Studies)
Comparative Religion and
Philosophy(Christian Scriptures)
Jaina Studies
 Islamic Studies
Tamil Literature and
Tamil Studies
 Indian MusicGraduation degree in relevant field with respective subjects/minimum 50% arks in Karnatic music certificate course
 BharathanatyamGraduation degree in relevant field with respective subjects
 Folk Music
Applied Sanskrit

Candidates make sure that they fulfill all eligibility criteria before apply for MA degree courses.

Madras University Courses for Admission 2023: Science

CoursesSpecializationsMinimum EligibilityBasis of Selection
M.ScComputer ScienceBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Computer Science Technology/BCA/any equivalentsMerit-List prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
Applied GeographyGraduation degree in Geology/Physics/Geography/Chemistry
GeoinformaticsBA/B.Sc/BE in relevant fields
 GeologyBachelor of Science in Geology
Applied GeologyB.Sc in Applied Geology/Geology
 Analytical ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry with Physics/Mathematics as an optional subject
 Analytical Chemistry
 Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
 Polymer Chemistry
 Materials Science B.Sc with two subjects among Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics/BE in Material Science/any equivalents
Network Systems and
Information Technology
B.SC in Computer Science/Computer Science Technology/IT/ BCA
 Energy and Materials
B.Sc with two subjects among Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics
CAS in Crystallography and
B.Sc with at least two major subjects among Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics
Nuclear PhysicsBachelor's Degree in Applied Sciences/B.Sc in Physics with Mathematics
Theoretical PhysicsB.Sc with Physics/Applied Physics with mathematics or B.Sc with three major PCM.
BiochemistryGraduation Degree with relevant fields
BiotechnologyMBBS/BDS/Bachelor degree in biotech/any relevant fields
CAS in Botany Minimum 55% marks in B.Sc with Biotechnology/Botany/Biochemistry/Microbiology
ZoologyBachelor of Science in Zoology
Medical BiochemistryB.Sc in relevant subjects
GeneticsGraduation in Life Sciences/agriculture/MBBS/BDS/B.V.Sc 
MicrobiologyB.Sc in Microbiology/MLT/Biology/Zoology/BioTechnology
AnatomyB.Sc in any three among Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Life Science, Animal Science, Biology or MBBS/BHMS/BAMS/BSMS,
 Neuroscience Bachelor Degree in any relevant fields
PhysiologyBachelor of Science in Life Science / Bio Science/ Biology/ Nutrition/ Biotechnology/Allied Health Sciences/B.Sc with three of the following subject as major Zoology/Botany/Chemistry/Biochemistry/physics
 Photonics and BioPhotonicsGraduation Degree in Physics /Chemistry
Nanoscience &
B.Sc in Nanoscience/Physics/Chemistry/Electronics Science/Zoology/Botany/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Basic Medical Sciences
Pharmacology & Environmental
Graduation Zoology/BiotechnologyBotany/Biochemistry/Microbiology/Molecular Biology/B.V.Sc/B.F.Sc 
YogaAny Degree recognized by the university
 Actuarial Science Bachelor's Degree in any discipline + minimum 60% marks in 10+2 with Mathematics/Statistics. (Business Mathematics/Statistics is not eligible)
StatisticsBachelor of Science in statistics or mathematics + Statistics as a subject 
 Mathematics Bachelor of Science with Applied Science or B.Tech/BE/B.Sc with Mathematics
Counseling PsychologyGraduation with Psychology as a subject.
HRD Psychology 
Cyber Forensics & Information SecurityAny Degree in Computer Field or B.Sc in Physics/Mathematics/Electronics Science or BE/B.Tech 
Criminology & Candidate must hold Graduation degree in any disciplines
M.Lib.I.ScLibrary and Information Science

Graduate Degree in any subject

Madras University Admission 2023 for PG Courses

University also offer Masters course in Commerce, Technology, Education, Law, Management, Computer Applications field. Candidates can check extra importnat details about courses below:-

CoursesSpecializationsMinimum EligibilityBasis of Selection
M.EdEducationBachelor Degree in Education or TechnologyMerit-List prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
MLInternational Law and OrganisationGraduation in Law
M.ComInternational Business & FinanceCandidates must hold B.Com degree
Business Data Science
MBAManagement StudiesBachelor Degree in any disciplinesMerit-List be prepared according to TANCENT.any equivalents marks as per university guidelines
Executive MBAMinimum 55% marks in Graduation with any discipline + years of work experiences
MCAComputer ApplicationsBachelor or Master  Degree in relevants field
M.TechGeographyMA/M.Sc in relvant fields or BE/B.Tech in related fieldsMerit-List prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
Nanoscience & NanotechnologyM.Sc or BE/B.Tech in relevant fields

Madras University Courses for Admission 2023: M.Phil

Those who seek to take admissions in M.Phil courses can check eligibility criteria below:- 

CoursesSpecializationsMinimum EligibilityBasis of Selection
M.PhilIndian HistoryCandidate must hold Master's degree in Archeology/Ancient History/ArcheologyMerit-List be prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
Ancient History & Archeology
AnthropologyPostgraduation in Anthropology
Defence & Startegic StudiesM.Sc/MA in any discipline 
Woman StudiesPostgraduation any discipline
Public AffairsMasters Degree in any subject
Public AdminstrationMasters Degree in Political  Science/Public Administration/Public Management
Political Science
International RelationsMasters Degree in International Relations/Political Science
South and Southeast Asian StudiesPostgraduation in nay disciplines
EconomicsMasters Degree Business Ecnomics/Ecnomics/Econometrics
Applied Economics
Human Resource ManagementMasters Degree in Social Sciences/Humanities/Adult & Continuing Education
PsychologyMasters Degree in Psychology
Continuing Education ManagementMasters Degree in Social Sciences/Humanities/Adult & Continuing Education
Counselling PsychologyMinimum 55% marks(5% relaxation for reserved categories) in M.Sc Degree in Counelling Pyschology
Journalism & Mass CommunicationPostgraduation in Journalism/Communnication/Online Media/Visual Communication/electronic Media
PhilosophyMasters in Philosophy
BuddismMasters degree in respective disciplines
Jaina Studies
Chtistian Studies
Indian MusicMasters Degree in Music
EnglishPost graduation in respective disciplines
Tamil Studies
Islamic Studies
Computer ScienceMasters Degree in Computer Science/IT or MCA 
GeologyMasters Degree in Applied Geology/Geology
Analytical ChemistryMasters Degree in any given respective subjects
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
PhysicsPostgraduation in Physics/Electronic Science/Biophysics
Theoritical Physics
Scientific InstrumentationMasters of Engineerg or Technology or Science in Electronics Science/Electronics/Physics/Applied Electronics/Applied Physics
BotanyMasters Degree in Botany/Biochemistry/Microbiology/Plant Science
ZoologyPostgraduation in Zoology
BiochemistryMasters Degree in relvant discplines with respective subjects
Physical Education & YogaMasters Degree in Physical Education & Yoga
Network Systems & ITM.Sc in Electronic & Computer Field or MCA
EducationCandidates must hold M.Ed Degree

Madras University Admission 2023 Diploma & PG Diploma Courses

University runs Diploma courses in many different streams so candidtaes can choose as per their interests. For extra important details candidates can check below:-

CoursesSpecializationsMinimum EligibilityBasis of Selection
DiplomaFrenchCandidates should be passed 10thMerit-List be prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
Internal AuditBachelor Degree in relevant discilpines/any equivalents
ItalianCandidates should be passed 10th
Jaina Temple ManagementCanidate must pass 10+2
KannadaBachelor Degree in relevant discilpines/any equivalents
Manuscriptology (Part-Time))
Cyber Crime & Information Security
SpanishCandidates must pass 10th
Travel and Tourism Management Candidates should be passed 10+2
TeluguAny degree or certficate in Telugu/any equivalents recognised by Madras University
Buddhist StudiesCandidates should be passed 10+2
Teaching Methodology – Abhinaya & Nattuvangam
Teaching Methodology In Music
HindiCandidates must pass 10+2 with certificate in Hindi Language
PG DiplomaAmbedkar ThoughtsCandidates must hold Graduation Degree in relevant fieldsMerit-List be prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
Banking and Finance
Biblical Languages and Interpretation
Clinical Embryology
Counselling Psychology
Christian Spirituality & Counseling
Digital Library Management
Ethics and Biotechnology
Ethics & Human Resource Management
Extension and Development Administration
Functional Hindi and Translation(Two year – Part time)
Folkloristic and Mass Media
Inscription and Culture
Manuscriptology and Editing
Molecular Cell Biology & Stem cell Technology
Stem Cell Technology & Tissue Engineering
Organizational Development and Management of Change
Parent Counseling (for School Principal and Teachers)
Peace & Communal Harmony
Taxonomy of Algae
Taxonomy of Fungi
Technical writing
Yoga Therapy(PT)
Yogic Education (Two Shift Program)

Madras University for Admission 2023 Certificate Courses

Those who interested can refer data given below:-

CoursesSpecializationsMinimum EligibilityBasis of Selection
CertificateFrenchCandidates who hold Graduate Degree or UndergraduateMerit-List be prepared according to any relevant qualifying exam/any equivalents as per university guidelines
HindiCandidates must pass 10+2/any equivalents
KannadaCandidates who hold Graduate Degree or Undergraduate
BloggingCandidates must pass 10+2/any equivalents
TV News Reading
Web Page Designing
Pre-Primary Education
NGO Management
Hospitality Management
Skin care and Beauty Therapy
Woemn Studies
Functional English & Public Speaking
Buddist Studies
Christian Scriptures & Interpretation
Counselling PsychologyCandidates who hold Graduate Degree or Undergraduate
Analytical ChemistryB.Sc & M.Sc in Physical /Chemical/Biological Sciences//B.Tech-Chemical/B.Pharm/D.Pharm/any relevants
Karnatic MusicCandidates must pass 10+2/any equivalents
Voice Training
Cellular & Molecular PathologyB.Sc in Life Science/MLT/Allied Health Sciences/MBBS

Madras University Admission 2023 Applications Procedures

Candiates can apply for admission in Madras University Chennai through Online/Offline mode. For further admission procedure follow further steps:-

For PG/M.Phil/Diploma/Ph.D:
  1. Candidates have to vsist official Website of Madras University.
  2. Pay 300 INR application fee through SBI Collect.
  3. Upload all documents required for further process .
  4. Fill the application form properly with necessary details and submit it.

Candidates must take print out of application form and keep it for future use. They can apply for above courses offline also.

For ML:
  1. Candidates can downlaod the application form available on official Website.
  2. Fill all the details properly and attach all necessary documents.
  3. Send 200 INR application Fee through Demand Draft with application form in favour of University. 

Candiates can also collect application form by visit the application slaes counter at the Chepauk Campus or They can obtain application form by Post by sending written requistion through Demand Draft of 250 INR in favour of University.



University of Madras

Chepauk, Chennai-600 005

Madras University Placements

Students at Madras University have a lot of job opportunities. Almost 80% of MBA students are placed on the university campus (according to the review page of Collegedunia). Students' placement chances, on the other hand, differ by subject.
Madras University has a training and placement cell that urges businesses to hire students. The institution also provides workshops, seminars, and other forms of training to students.

Madras University Scholarships 

For students with disabilities, Madras University offers "National Overseas Scholarships." There are 20 scholarships available, six of which are allocated for female students who have completed a master's degree with at least a 55 percent mark and whose family income does not exceed Rs. 6 lakh per year. Scholarships are also available at Madras University for eligible SC/ST students.

Madras University Facilities

The Madras University library is well-equipped and furnished, with a collection of around 5,20,000 volumes, 10030 theses, 260 periodicals, 100 CD-ROMs, and 4000+ electronic journals. MALIBNET is also available at the library.

Squash, chess, and football are just a few of the indoor and outdoor games available at Madras University. Madras Universities' ladies and boys have competed in numerous state and national events.

Amenity Centers: Both boys and girls have their own amenity centres within the university. Students can use the amenities centres during their breaks.

Madras University Distance Education

The University of Madras provides a variety of distant education courses. The Institute of Distance Education offers 15 undergraduate, 20 graduate, 16 diploma, and 20 certificate programmes. Arts, Science, Commerce, Management, Computer Applications, Hotel Management, Law, and Medical are the streams in which programmes are delivered.
Candidates interested in applying to Madras University's Distance Education programme should go to the online admission site and apply for the preferred course, or receive an application form from the college campus. The Madras University IDE offers admission based on both entrance and merit.
Since 1981, the University of Madras has offered an Institute of Distant Education programme, totaling 25 years of delivering distance education in a variety of disciplines.

The university's faculty is highly helpful, encouraging, and provides all of the necessary information to students. The UGC has authorised the Institute of Distance Education University of Madras, which is connected with Madras University.

Due to the present pandemic scenario, the institute began offering PCP classes online. The classes are delivered via Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams.

Madras University's Distance Education programme provides various societies for students' extracurricular activities. Along with housing, the institute provides various services for the students' comfort, such as a library, canteen, and a centre for web-based e-learning, among others. The institute is well-equipped with all of the necessary amenities in order to provide the university's applicants with the best possible experience and education.

Madras University Distance Education Courses & Fees

Madras University IDE offers a wide range of UG, PG, Diploma, and Certificate programmes. The course descriptions are listed below.

CoursesCourse DetailsSelection Criteria
B.ADuration: 3 years
Eligibility Criteria: students need to pass 10+2 from a recognized board
Fees: INR 15,810
Admissions will be granted on the basis of obtained score in entrance exam conducted by the university
B.ScDuration: 3 years
Eligibility Criteria: candidates must have passed 10+2 from a recognized board
Fees: INR 24,510
B.ComDuration: 3 years 
Eligibility Criteria: applicants should have completed 10+2 from a recognized board
Fees: INR 18,750
BBADuration: 3 years
Eligibility Criteria: candidates must have passed intermediate from a recognized board 
Fees: INR 18,810
BCADuration: 3 years 
Eligibility Criteria: students should have completed 10+2 from a recognized board 
Fees: INR 26,610
B.LitDuration: 3 years 
Eligibility Criteria: applicants need to complete 10+2 from a recognized board
Fees: INR 15,810
Admission is based on the secured merit in the previous qualifying examination
M.ADuration: 2 years 
Eligibility Criteria: students should have done graduation in related discipline from a recognized university
Fees: INR 12,450
Selection is based on entrance test conducted by the university
M.ScDuration: 2 years 
Eligibility Criteria: applicants need to pass B.Sc degree in relevant subject from a recognized university
Fees: INR 29,950
M.ComDuration: 2 years 
Eligibility Criteria: candidates are required to complete bachelor's degree from a recognized university
Fees: INR 12,450
MCADuration: 3 years 
Eligibility Criteria: candidates should have done BCA/B.Sc Computer Science with Mathematics as a compulsory subject at 10+2 level or at the graduate level
Fees: INR 49,850
MCA (Lateral)Duration: 2 years 
Eligibility Criteria: students need to complete PGDCA or have done BCA/B.Sc Computer Science with Mathematics as a compulsory subject at 10+2 level or at the graduate level
Fees: INR 33,650
MBADuration: 2 years
Eligibility Criteria: students must pass graduation in any stream from a recognized university
Fees: INR 36,450
Admission will be based on qualified CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT score
Diploma Duration: 1 year
Eligibility Criteria: candidates should have done intermediate level from a recognized board 
Fees: INR 6,000
Selection is made in the basis of secured merit in the previous qualifying examination
PG DiplomaDuration: 1 year
Eligibility Criteria: students need to have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university
Fees: INR 11,050
PGDMDuration: 1 year
Eligibility Criteria: applicants must pass graduation from a recognized university 
Fees: INR 11,050
PGDHMDuration: 1 year
Eligibility Criteria: candidates should have done graduation from a recognized university
Fees: INR 11,050
CertificateDuration: 6 months 
Eligibility Criteria: Students need to have done intermediate from a recognized board 
Fees: INR 5,450

Madras University Distance Education Admission Process 2023

Students can apply for a distance education programme at Madras University in both an online and offline format. The admissions procedure is based on both merit and entrance examinations. When applying for the University of Madras IDE, applicants must complete a series of processes. The following is a list of the stores where both operations can be performed:

For the online application
  • Applicants must first go to the university's official website.
  • They must register through the entrance site.
  • Choose the course you want to take and fill out the application form with all of the necessary information.
  • Submit the application form along with the required documents, as well as the application fee, using online
  • Net Banking or Debit/Credit Card.
For the offline application
  • Students can get an application form by going to the college campus and paying INR 200 for it.
  • Fill out the application form with all of your academic and personal information, as well as the course you want to take.
  • Submit the application form together with the required documentation.
Required Documents: 
  • Marksheet of 10+2 level, graduation, master's.
  • Migration Certificate
  • Caste Certificate 
  • ID proof & photograph 

Madras University Distance Education Scholarship 

The University of Madras IDE offers scholarships to students who are academically qualified, meritorious, and financially disadvantaged, as well as those from reserved groups. The following are some of the scholarship opportunities:

  • SC/ST Scholarship for SC/ST Students: This scholarship is for SC/ST students alone. To be eligible for scholarships, a student must complete the form found on the college's website.
  • Financial Aid to Students/Research Scholars for International Travel: During their tenure, all PG and full-time Ph.D. scholars are eligible for this financial assistance.
  • National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities for Studying Abroad under the Central Sector Plan: This is granted to students with disabilities who wish to pursue their studies in foreign countries. The subjects will be specified under this framework.

Madras University Distance Education Facilities 

  • The University of Mardana IDE has a well-equipped library with a wide range of books, journals, periodicals, and other materials. The college has a varied range of e-resources in addition to print. All of the courses are available via the college's E-Sources on a semester-by-semester basis.
  • IDE is a faculty member. Madras University employs a total of 34 professors. Each faculty has four faculties. There are four teaching faculties for Tamil, English, Mathematics, and management studies, as well as three faculties for Economics, Commerce, Psychology, and Computer Science. There are 19 Professors, 15 Assistant Professors, and 6 Associate Professors on the faculty.
  • Hostel: The institute provides hotel accommodations for students. The hostels are well-equipped with all of the necessary amenities. The hostel prices are reasonable, and rooms must be shared by two or four people.

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