TamilNadu National Law University Thiruchirappalli (TNNLU THIRUCHIRAPPALLI) - Time Table


Navalurkottapattu, Tamil Nadu


Navalurkottapattu, Tamil Nadu

TNNLS Time Table 2020: Semester Time Table , How to check?

Updated On - August 05 2020 by Divyansh K

TNNLS Time Table 2020: Tamil Nadu National Law School (TNNLS) Exam date sheet issues 25-30 days before the commencement of the semester examination. The timetable of odd semester term-end examination is published in October, while the even semester examination is released in March. Tamil Nadu National Law School provides a course-wise examination time table. Tamil Nadu National Law School releases the time table in online mode. The examination of the university will be conducted in the semester mode. The semester examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. The examination time table will be released in online mode at the official website. The time table is uploaded in pdf format. Candidates can check Tamil Nadu National Law School Time Table on this page. There are few details such as exam date, day, time, subject, session, etc. are mentioned on the Tamil Nadu National Law School time table. Candidates must register for the semester examination before the last date.

TNNLS Time Table 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Tamil Nadu National Law School Time Table in the following table:

Tamil Nadu National Law School Time Table Highlights
Name of the UniversityTamil Nadu National Law School
Courses OfferedUG/ PG
Article CategoryTime Table
Time Table Releasing ModeOnline
AddressDindigul Main Road, Navalurkuttappattu, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620009
Official Websitehttps://www.tnnlu.ac.in/

TNNLS Time Table 2020

The Time Table of Tamil Nadu National Law School is available online at the official website of the university. The timetable of the examination is expected to be uploaded in October (Odd semester) and March (Even semester). The examination result is declared within one month before the examination. Tamil Nadu National Law School Exam date sheet issues 15-20 days before the commencement of the semester examination. 

Steps to download the Time Table of Tamil Nadu National Law School:-

Tamil Nadu National Law School releases the timetable for the exam 15-20 days before its commencement. It helps the candidates to start their preparation for the examination. The date and timing for the entrance exam are detailed in the examination timetable. candidates who are appearing for the exam can download the timetable of their approaching examination from the website. candidates can follow the steps given below.

  • Go to the official website of the law school
  • Under the “Examinations” option, click on “Upcoming examination” link,
  • The timetable of the examination will appear on the screen in the pdf format.
  • Download and save it for further correspondence

Details printed on Tamil Nadu National Law School Time Table.

Candidates can find and check the list of printed details on Tamil Nadu National Law School Time Table.

  • Exam Name
  • Exam Date & Day
  • Exam Time
  • Subject Name and Code
  • Semester
  • Session
  • Important Instructions

Tamil Nadu National Law School Time Table 2020 Important Instruction Regarding the Examination

Students who are eligible to appear for the Tamil Nadu National Law School exam are advised to follow the instructions given by the examiner/ invigilator, before the commencement of the exam. The important points to be followed on the day of the examination are mentioned below:

  • Candidates should reach the Examination Hall 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam.
  • Students should carry the admit card and their valid identity card on the day of the exam.
  • Take care of the question paper provided whether is correct or not, before writing your exam.
  • There is a prohibition to carry any unfair means such as Mobile Phone/Pager, Scanner pen or camera, or any electronic/digital gadget, etc inside the examination hall.
  • Students are advised to bring their stationery items. Exchanging of stationery is not allowed during the exam.
  • Avoid any kind of malpractice during the exam. If any candidate found involved in malpractice then he/she shall be booked under the UFM.
  • If supportive material, other than that which is necessarily permitted, is found at or by the desk, it may be treated as an attempt to cheat and relevant procedures for cheating will be followed. 

About Tamil Nadu National Law School

Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU), Tiruchirappalli is the first national-level university in the State of Tamil Nadu. The college was founded in the year 2012 under legal education by the Tamil Nadu National Law School Act, 2012. The courses offered by TNNLU are BA-LLB (Hons), BCom-LLB (Hons.), LLM, and Ph.D., recognized and approved by University Grants Commission (UGC). It has also received recognition from the Bar Council of India (BCI). TNNLU is a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), a permanent institutional member of the Indian Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.

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