Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute Chennai (SRIHER CHENNAI) - Admission 2022

Deemed to be University


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Deemed to be University


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Sri Ramachandra University Admission 2022: Courses offered, Selection Criteria

Updated On - January 06 2022 by Urja Sardesai

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research(SRIHER) which was formerly known as Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (SRMC & RI) is deemed to be a university. SRIHER is located in Porur, Chennai, India. The University consists of 9 constituent colleges and faculties. SRIHER, Chennai was established on 11 September 1985 by N.P.V Ramasamy Udayar. The Sri Ramachndra University offers Undergraduate medical courses( MBBS and BDS), Post Graduation Courses, and Doctorate level courses.

Sri Ramachandra University Admission Highlights

University NameSri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research(SRIHER)
Commonly Known asSri Ramachandra University
Formerly known asSri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (SRMC & RI)
University TypeDeemed to be
Basic Admission Criteriafor MBBS/ BDS: NEET UG
for DM/ M.Ch: NEET SS 
UG Courses: Entrance-based and Interview (for some selected courses)
PG Courses: Entrance-based and Interview (for some selected courses)
Application ModeOffline
Official website

Sri Ramachandra University MBBS & BDS Admission 2022

Course NameEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria
MBBS10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (or Botany & Zoology) / Biochemistry with 50% marks (45% for reserved categories) in aggregateA valid score in NEET UG followed by counselling

Sri Ramachandra University MD, MS, MDS, DM & M.Ch Admission 2022

At the postgraduate level, the university offers MD, MS, M.Ch, DM, and MDS courses in various specializations. MBBS degree is mandatory for MD and MS courses while BDS is sufficient for the MDS program.

A valid score in NEET PG is required for MD and MS courses while NEET MDS and NEET SS score is required respectively for MDS and DM & M.Ch courses.
Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria
MDAnatomyPassed recognized MBBS Degree and have completed Internship (CRRI)A valid score in NEET PG followed by centralized counselling conducted by DGHS, New Delhi
Community Medicine
Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion Medicine
Forensic Medicine
General Medicine
Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy
TB and Pulmonary Medicine
Sports Medicine
Emergency Medicine
MSGeneral SurgeryPassed recognized MBBS Degree and have completed Internship (CRRI)
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
MDSProsthodontics and Crown & BridgeBDS with Compulsory Rotatory InternshipNET MDS score and counselling
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral Medicine and Radiology
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
DMCardiologyMD General Medicine/ Paediatrics /Respiratory Medicine or its equivalentA valid score in NEET SS and counselling conducted by DGHS, New Delhi
NeurologyMD General Medicine/ Paediatrics or its equivalent
Critical Care MedicineMD Anaesthesiology/ Medicine/ Pulmonology or its equivalent
NeonatologyMD Paediatrics or its equivalent
Medical GastroenterologyMD General Medicine or its equivalent
Neuro-RadiologyMD Radio-Diagnosis or its equivalent
M.ChNeuro-SurgeryMS in General Surgery or its equivalent
Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery
Surgical Gastroenterology
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Paediatric Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Neuro SurgeryMBBS degree
Reproductive Medicine & SurgeryMD/ MS in Obstetrics & Gynaecology or its equivalent

Sri Ramachandra University Admission 2022 Nursing(UG&PG)

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria
B.Sc.Nursing (Basic)10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Botany and Zoology with 45% marks (40% for SC/ST) in aggregate in Science GroupOn the basis of an entrance test conducted by the university
B.Sc Nursing (Post Basic)-Diploma in Nursing from any State Nursing Council with minimum 2 years of Nursing service in any recognized Hospital or educational institution or as a full-time Public Health Nurse
M.Sc (Nursing)Medical-Surgical NursingB.Sc. Nursing (Basic)/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/B.Sc. Nursing (Post Basic) with minimum 55% (50% for reserved categories) aggregate marks with a minimum one year of work experience after Post Basic NursingEntrance Test conducted by the university
Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Mental Health (Psychiatry) Nursing

Sri Ramachandra University B.Pharm, M.Pharm & Pharm.D Admission 2022

Sri Ramachandra University offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and research pharmacy programmes. The minimal qualifying criteria for B.Pharm are 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, or Botany. A 10+2 with PCM or PCB or a Pharm. D. degree is required for the Pharm.D. programme. A B.Pharm degree from a recognised university is required for M.Pharm and Pharm.D. (PB). The university administers an entrance exam for admission.

Course nameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria
B.Pharm.-10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Botany and Zoology or with English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other subject with 50% marks in aggregateOn the basis of an entrance test conducted by the university
Pharm.D.-Passed 10+2 in PCB/PCM or D.Pharm.
M.Pharm.Pharmacy PracticeB.Pharm from a recognized university
Quality Assurance
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Pharm.D (PB)-

Sri Ramachandra University UG B.Sc (Medical), BPT, BOT & BASLP Admission 2022

Sri Ramachandra University's UG Medical department offers a variety of degrees in the field of medical science, including BPT, BOT, B.Sc (Medical), B.Sc (Hons.) and BASLP in several disciplines.

Applicants must have completed 10+2 or equivalent in the respective subject group to meet the qualifying requirements. The university administers an entrance exam for some courses, however for some UG courses, candidates are admitted based on their performance in the interview phase.

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria
BPT-10+2 with Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology or Zoology or Zoology from a recognized boardOn the basis of an entrance test conducted by the university
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP)-10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology or (Botany & Zoology)and any one of Mathematics / Computer Science / Statistics/ Electronics /Psychology/ any other science subject
B.ScTrauma Care Management10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology OR Botany & Zoology OR English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other subject.University conducts an interview round for the shortlisted candidates on the basis of their marks in the qualifying degree
Clinical Nutrition10+2 with Nutrition and Dietetics, Home science, Basic science Subjects with Physics, Chemistry, Biology OR Botany and Zoology OR Mathematics, Computer Science
Bioinformatics10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics OR Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology OR Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Sciences
Health Informatics10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics OR Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology OR Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Sciences
Data Science
B.Sc (Hons.)Sports & Exercise Sciences10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics OR Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology
Biomedical Science10+2 with English and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology OR Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Botany & Zoology OR Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology/ Biochemistry, BiotechnologyScore in the entrance test conducted by the university
Medical Microbiology & Applied Molecular Biology10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Botany and Zoology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Bio Chemistry as one of the main subjects at 10+2 level
Allied Health Sciences10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Zoology and Botany
B.Optom.Clinical Optometry10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Zoology and Botany OR English with PCM along with any other subject

Sri Ramachandra University M.Sc (Medical), MPT & MPH Admission 2022

Sri Ramachandra University offers M.Sc (Medical), MPT, and MPH programmes in a variety of specialisations for postgraduate medical students. A bachelor's degree in a related field is the minimal requirement for admission.

The university administers an entrance exam for some courses, however for some PG programmes, candidates are admitted based on their performance in the interview phase.

performance in the interview round.

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaDuration
M.Sc.Medical AnatomyMBBS/ BDS/BPT/ B.Sc. (Allied Health Sciences/ Emergency Trauma Care Technology/ Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/Life Sciences / Bioscience/ Medical Laboratory Technology) / BUMS) / BAMS/ BHMS/ BSMS from a recognized universityInterview for the shortlisted candidates
Medical PhysiologyMBBS/ BDS/BPT/ B.Sc. (Allied Health Sciences/ Emergency Trauma Care Technology/ Botany/Zoology/Nutrition or other paramedical course/ BUMS) / BAMS/ BHMS/ BSMS from a recognized university
Medical BiochemistryMBBS/ BDS/BPT/ B.Sc. (Allied Health Sciences/ Emergency Trauma Care Technology/ Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/Botany/ Nutrition/ Medical Laboratory Technology) / BUMS) / BAMS/ BHMS/ BSMS from a recognized university
Medical Microbiology & Applied Molecular Biology

MBBS/ BDS/BPT/ B.Sc. (Allied Health Sciences/ Emergency Trauma Care Technology/ Microbiology/Zoology/ Home Science/ Medical Laboratory Technology) / BUMS) / BAMS/ BHMS/ BSMS from a recognized university

Audiology Speech-Language PathologyBachelor of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/B.Sc. (Speech and Hearing) OR BASLPEntrance test conducted by the university
NeuroscienceMBBS/ BDS/ B.V.Sc./ B.Sc. Allied Health Sciences/ BOT/ BPT. BASLP/ Bachelor of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/ B.Sc. Nursing / BS Physician's Assistant DegreeInterview for the shortlisted candidates
Medical Laboratory TechnologyB.Sc. Allied Health Sciences/ BMLT/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Biotechnology/Genetics degree or any other equivalent qualification
Renal Sciences and Dialysis TechnologyMBBS/ BDS/ B.V.Sc. / B.Sc. Allied Health Sciences/ B.Sc. Nursing Degree
Medical Imaging TechnologyB.Sc. Allied Health Sciences in the speciality of Radiology and Imaging Science/ B.Sc. Medical Imaging Technology/ Radiography/ Science graduates with two-year Diploma in Radiography OR Science graduates with CRA OR PG Diploma in Radiology and Imaging Technology
Clinical NutritionB.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics/ B.Sc. Clinical Nutrition/ B.Sc. Nutrition, Food services Management & Dietetics/ P.G. Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics/ P.G. Diploma in Clinical Nutrition
Emergency and Critical Care TechnologyB.Sc. Emergency and Trauma Care Technology
Clinical EmbryologyMBBS/BDS degree with CRRI and have registered with anyone of the State Medical Council. Candidates possessing DGO/ MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)/ MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) are also eligible to apply
Human GeneticsB.Sc./M.B.B.S/ B.D.S. / B.Tech. (Biotechnology) and B.V.Sc. Degree
BiotechnologyB.Sc. in Life Sciences (Botany, Zoology, Integrated Life Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Nutrition) OR B.Sc. in Physical Sciences including Mathematics and Computer Science OR B.Pharm OR B.Sc. (Allied Health Sciences) OR B.Sc.(Emergency & Trauma Care Technology) OR MBBS/ BDS/ B.V.Sc OR B.Sc.(Nursing)/ BASLP /BSLHS and
B.Sc. (Human Genetics), B.Sc. (Biomedical Sciences)
Medical BioinformaticsB.Tech (Biomedical/ Electronics & Communication/ Information Technology) OR B.Sc in Life Sciences/ Medical Sciences/ Pharmaceutics/ Allied Health Sciences) having Chemistry/ Mathematical/ Physical Sciences/ Botany/ Zoology/ Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Computer Sciences/ Pharmacology/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary and Fisheries
Trauma Care ManagementB.Sc in Emergency & Trauma Care Management
Human GeneticsB.Sc. in the branch of Biology/Life Sciences/ Agriculture/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry/ Botany /Genetics /Microbiology/Zoology /Allied Health Sciences/ B.Pharm, B.Sc. (Biomedical Sciences), B.Sc. (Emergency and Trauma Care Technology) OR MBBS/ BDS/ B.Tech. (Biotechnology) and B.V.Sc. degree from a recognized university  
Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Medical Bioinformatics, Audiology, Medical Anatomy, Medical Physiology, Medical Biochemistry, MLTGraduation in the relevant discipline with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks
MPTOrthopaedics & TraumatologyBPT from a recognized universityInterview for the shortlisted candidates
Cardiopulmonary Sciences
Women’ Health
M.Sc. (Part-time)Industrial Hygiene & SafetyB.E. / B.Tech / B.Sc. in Physics/ Chemistry or MathematicsInterview for the shortlisted candidates
MPHOccupational and Environmental HealthMBBS/ BDS/ B.Tech (Chemical Engineering)/B.E. (Civil or Public Health Engg.)/M.Sc. (Chemistry/ Zoology/ Botany/ Environmental Sciences) Degree

Sri Ramachandra University BBA & MBA Admission 2022

The university also provides a three-year BBA in Hospital & Health Systems Management and a two-year MBA in Hospital & Health Systems Management. For BBA, 10+2 is the minimal prerequisite, however for MBA, a bachelor's degree is required.

Admission to the BBA programme at the undergraduate level is based on the results of a personal interview conducted by the university. Eligible students must take the university's All India Entrance Test in order to be considered for MBA admission.

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection CriteriaSeats
BBAHospital & Health Systems Management10+2 with Commerce, Accountancy, Business Maths and Economics / Computer Science OR Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology), Mathematics/Computer Science OR English language should be one of the main subjectsShortlisted candidates have to appear in the interview round conducted by the university30
MBAHospital & Health Systems ManagementBachelor Degree from a recognized universityEntrance Test conducted by the university30

Sri Ramachandra University B.Tech & B.Sc Admission 2022

The university also provides a three-year BBA in Hospital & Health Systems Management and a two-year MBA in Hospital & Health Systems Management. For BBA, 10+2 is the minimal prerequisite, however for MBA, a bachelor's degree is required.

Admission to the BBA programme at the undergraduate level is based on the results of a personal interview conducted by the university. Eligible students must take the university's All India Entrance Test in order to be considered for MBA admission.

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection CriteriaSeats
B.TechComputer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics), Computer Science & Medical Engineering10+2 Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with Chemistry, Computer Science or Biology from a recognized board with a minimum of 60% aggregate marksShortlisted candidates have to appear in the interview round conducted by the university60
B.ScComputer Science (Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics), Bioinformatics, Data Science60

Sri Ramachandra University M.Phil & Ph.D. Admission 2022

Ph.D, Ph.D (Part-Time), and M.Phil in Clinical Psychology are available to those who want to pursue higher studies at the research level.

Eligible candidates must take the Ph.D. and Ph.D. (Part-Time) Entrance Tests, as well as the M.Phil Entrance Test for the M.Phil programme. Candidates must, however, have completed and passed a Master's degree in the relevant discipline in order to meet the qualifying requirements. The minimum necessary marks for M.Phil are 55 percent for General category students and 50 percent for SC/ST applicants.

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria
Ph.D. (Full-Time)MedicalDM/MD/M.S./M.Ch or PG DiplomaWritten Test followed by an interview
Ph.D. (Part-Time)Medical
Ph.D. (Full-Time)Non-MedicalM.Sc. - Non-medical OR Master's Degree in the Faculties of Dentistry/ Pharmacy/ Nursing/ Allied Health Sciences/ Biomedical Sciences & Technology/ Physiotherapy/ Management
Ph.D. (Part-Time)Non-Medical

Admission Process of Sri Ramachandra University 2022

Fill out the application form by following the instructions below:

  • Visit Sri Ramachandra University's official website to obtain an application form. Alternatively, you can receive the same in person from the university office for a cash payment.
  • Fill out the application form and mail it to the university's address together with the needed documents and the INR 1000 application fee in the form of a DD.

The Registrar, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute
(formerly known as Sri Ramachandra University)
Porur, Chennai - 600 116, Tamil Nadu (India)

Documents Required to be attached for Admission 

The documents required to be enclosed are listed below :

  • X & XII Marks statement/Transcripts
  • XII Grade Diploma Certificate (For Diploma/GCE Level)
  • Transfer Certificate AND Code of Conduct Certificate
  • Migration Certificate
  • Birth Certificate as age proof
  • Community Certificate and Copy of Aadhaar Card

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