Solapur University Solapur (SU SOLAPUR) - Results

State University


Solapur, Maharashtra

State University


Solapur, Maharashtra

Solapur University Result 2020: Semester Result, How to check?

Updated On - July 28 2020 by Divyansh K

Solapur University Result 2020: Solapur University follows the semester system. Solapur University will publish the semester-wise results for the exams conducted by it. Solapur University website conducts semester exams twice a year. The examinations of Solapur University are held in the month of March-April for a few courses and June-July for a few others. The practical exams and assignments are also regularly taken by the university, and the practical finals are taken in the month of February-March before the theory exams. Results for all the courses offered by Solapur University are published within the two-three weeks of examination. Solapur University website is also supposed to release the compartment results, revaluation result, Toppers List, and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the official website of Solapur University. 

Solapur University Result 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Solapur University Result in the following table given below:
Solapur University Result Detail
University NameSolapur University
Course NameUG/ PG
Exam Name
Semester Examination
CategoryUniversity Results
Mode Of result Declaration
AddressSolapur Pune National Highway, Kegaon, Solapur, Maharashtra 413255
Official website

Solapur University Result 2020

Solapur University released the results for various courses on its official website, and the results are divided into different categories namely part, term, and program results. Program Result means Overall result of the entire Programme (e.g. BA, BCOM, BSC, LLB, etc...). Program Result is displayed in the Last semester Term / Part level result. Part Result (OR Year-end Result) means the result status at the end of a particular year. (i.e. the First year or Second year or Third year - as applicable.) Term Result (Semester-end Result) means the result status at the end of a particular semester. (i.e. FSBA-I/II/III or SSBA-I/II/III, FSBCOM-I/II/III or SSBCOM-I/II/III, etc...). Candidates are advised to visit the University’s website to check for their results. The Solapur University releases the result online on its official website once the evaluation of the answer sheet is completed. Solapur University examination result is provided in the pdf file format.

Steps to download the result of Solapur University:

Following steps are given below candidates can download the result of semester examination:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of Solapur University.
  • Step 2: Click on the ‘Result tab in the menu bar.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to the results portal of the website.
  • Step 4: Select the exam event and fill in the PRN number.
  • Step 5: Choose your course and download the result.

Details Printed on Solapur University Result 2020

Candidates are advised to check out the details printed on the semester exam result of the Solapur University.
  • Exam Name
  • Roll No
  • Enrollment no.
  • Student’s Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother Name
  • Student Centre
  • Exam Centre Name
  • Subject
  • Marks Criteria
  • Marks Obtained
  • Grand Total Marks
  • The result (Pass/Fail)
  • Division
  • Percentage
Note: In case of any disperiency, Students must contact the exam conducting authority of the university.

Revaluation of Answer Sheet

Solapur University provides an opportunity by which candidates who are not satisfied by the marks secured by them can apply for revaluation or may demand a copy of the examination answer sheet. The revaluation forms of Solapur University will be available online at the university's official website. Incomplete revaluation forms will not be accepted by the university under any circumstances. The candidate will have to apply for the revaluation of the answer sheet only during the dates set by the authority. Candidates have not the authority to apply for the revaluation of the answer sheet of any other applicant. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.

Steps to download the revaluation result of Solapur University:

Following steps are given below candidates can download the revaluation result of semester examination:

  • Visit the official website of Solapur University.
  • Click on Examination option in the menu bar.
  • On the next page, click on ‘Solapur University Revaluation Result’.
  • Check for any amendments in the marks allotted to you and download a copy of the same.

About Solapur University

Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University was established on 1st August 2004 and was inaugurated on 03-08-2004 by the Governor of Maharashtra. The formation of the university at Solapur was a long-cherished desire of the people of this region. Previous, to the establishment of University, Solapur had a P.G. Centre of Shivaji University for over two periods. The center for P.G. studies had three postgraduate science departments and 7 postgraduate courses steered in the P.G. departments. With this sound circumstantial, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University has been established to cater to the needs of over 60,000 student’s municipals. The university is self-confident for determining development. The University is now a hub of various academic happenings. A good number of Engineering, Agricultural, Architectural, Medical, and Traditional institutions of national distinction are located in and around the city.

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