Integral University Lucknow (IU LUCKNOW) - Admission

Private University


Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Private University


Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Integral University Admission 2023: Courses, Eligibility, Admission Process

Updated On - February 07 2023 by Abhinandan Singh

Integral University Admission 2023 is on the basis of an entrance test conducted by the university or any state or national level entrance exam. Integral University is a private university located in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is established in the year 1998 which originated as the Institute of Integral Technology, Lucknow. Integral University was founded in 2004 and started functioning from 01 April 2004. The university is recognized by the University Grants Commission under section 2(f) of the U.G.C. Act, 1956.  The university offers bachelor's, master's as well as doctoral degree programmes in the fields of Engineering & Technology, Architecture, Science, Management, Medical, Pharmacy. The university also offers various diploma courses. Admission to UG and PG courses will be done based on the entrance test i.e. IUET (Integral University Entrance Test) conducted by the university itself and merit in the last qualifying examination. The university also conducts entrance tests for Ph.D. admissions.

Integral University Admission 2023 Highlights

Check the basic information about Integral University from the table below:

Integral University Admission Details
University NameIntegral University, Lucknow
University TypePrivate
Basic Admission CriteriaIUET or Any State level/National level test
Application ModeBoth Offline and Online

Integral University Admission 2023 Dates

Events Dates
Application June 2023
Last date to applyAugust 2023

Integral University Admission 2023

  • Admission in B.Tech Based on merit in IUET examination conducted by the university or JEE Main/ JEE Advanced/ State Level Engineering Examination
  • Admission in B.Arch:  The NATA (National Aptitude Test  OR JEE Mains for B.Arch Or UPSEE-B.Arch OR Any other Entrance Examination approved by the Council of Architecture.
  • M.Tech admission through GPAT or IUET
  • MBA admission based on IUET/ CAT/ MAT/ UPSEE or any state entrance examination or any other entrance exam

Integral University Engineering & Technology Admission 2023

At the undergraduate level, the university offers B.Tech, B.Tech (Lateral), BE, BE (Lateral) courses. The university also offers an Integrated M.Tech (B.Tech+M.Tech) programme for a duration period of five years. Admission will be provided based on the IUET examination. The university also accepts valid JEE Mains/ JEE Advanced scores. Apart from this examination, a valid score in the state-level engineering examination or any other engineering examination is also accepted by the university.

The eligibility and selection criteria for admission in the following courses is tabulated below:

Integral University Eligibility for B.E & B.Tech Admission
CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process
B.TechComputer Science and EngineeringPassed 10+2 with Physics, Maths & any of the subject out of Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Computer Science with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate.Based on merit in IUET examination conducted by the university or JEE Main/ JEE Advanced/ State Level Engineering Examination
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Technology & Information Security
Electronics and Information System
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
BiotechnologyPhysics, Chemistry & any of the subjects out of Mathematics/ Biology/ Biotechnology with a minimum of 45% marks in 10+2 standards.
Food Technology
Biomedical EngineeringPhysics, Maths, English & (Chemistry/Biology/Biotechnology) must have obtained 50% marks in Physics, Maths and any optional subject in 10+2 level.
Agricultural EngineeringPhysics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM)/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB)/Agriculture with a minimum 50% aggregate in 10+2
BECivil EngineeringCompleted 10+2 examination Physics, Maths & any of the subject out of Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Computer Science with minimum 45% marks in aggregate.
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
BE Lateral Entry-Three years Diploma or B.Sc. degree with 50% marks and Mathematics as a subject at 10+2 level
B.Tech LateralCSE
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Food Technology
Cloud Technology & Information System
Biomedical Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
B.Tech + M.TechCSEPhysics, Maths & any of the subject out of Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Computer Science with minimum 45% marks in 10+2
Electronic Circuit & Systems
Power Systems
Power Systems and Drive
Instrumentation and Control
Production & Industrial
Machine Design
Construction Technology & Management
Structural Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Renewable Energy Technology
Food Technology
M.Tech Agri Informatics B.Tech with a minimum score of 50% marks IUET score
Hydraulics & Water Resources Engineering) B.E/Tech with Civil or Agricultural Engg 
Advanced Computing and Data ScienceB.Tech/B.E./MCA with Computer Sc & Eng/IT/Electronics & Communication 
Biochemical Engineering B.Tech/M.Sc./M.S. with Biotechnology/Biochemical Eng/Food Eng./Chemical Eng./Chemical Technology/Biological Sc./Biochemistry/Life Sc/Food Tech 
BioinformaticsB.Tech./ B.E. in Biotechnology/ Biochemical Engg./ Chemical Engg./ Alcohol Tech./ B.Pharm./ M.Sc. in Biological Science/ Physical Science/ chemical Science or equivalent 
Computer Sc & EnggB.Tech/BE/MCA (Computer Science & Engineering/Electronics Engineering/ Information Technology) 
Construction Technology & ManagementB.Tech/BE/B.Arch 
Electronics Circuit & SystemsB.Tech./ B.E/M.Sc. or equivalent examination in Electronics Engg./ Electronics & Communication Engg./ Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. or M.Sc. (Electronics) 
Environmental EngineeringB.Tech./ B.E. or equivalent examination in Civil Engg./ Agriculture Engg./ Chemical Engg./ Mechanical Engg./ Biotech. Engg./ Environmental Engg./ Petroleum Engg./ Petroleum Technology/ Petrochemicals Engg./ Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals Engg. or M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry/ Environmental Chemistry) 
Food TechnologyB.Tech/M.Sc with Food/Biotechnology/dairy/Agricultural Eng/Food Sc/Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry 
Instrumentation & ControlBE/B.Tech in Electrical Engg./ Electrical & Electronics Engg./ Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.
Power System EngineeringBE/B.Tech with Electrical Engg./ Electrical & Electronics Engg./ Electronics or any equivalent degree
Production & Industrial EngineeringBE/B.Tech with Mechanical Eng/Production Eng
Renewable Energy Technology B.Tech/BE/M.Sc
Software Engineering B.Tech/BE/MCA with Computer Sc & Engg/IT/Electronics & Communication
Solar Photovoltaic EngineeringB.Tech/BE/M.Sc with AMIE/IETE/Electronics
Structural EngineeringB.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent examination in Mechanical Engg./ Production Engg./ Industrial Engg./ Mechanical & Industrial Engg./ Industrial Production Engg./ Production & Industrial Engg. or equivalent 

For all M.Tech specializations except Agri Informatics, candidates should have a minimum score of 55% marks.

Integral University Science & Pharmacy Admission 2023

The Integral University offers Bachelor of Science with various socialization. The duration of these courses is of 3 years. The candidates must fulfil the eligibility requirements to apply successfully.

CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process
B.ScHons. AgricultureA candidate must have passed XII with PCM / PCB/PCMB/AgricultureIUET score
Hons. Forestry
Hons. Home Sc
Hons. Horticulture
Hons. BiotechnologyA candidate with PCB/Biotechnology at XII On the basis on their marks in the qualifying exam
Zoology Botany & Chemistry
Hons. Life Sciences
Hons. Biochemistry
Hons. Industrial ChemistryAn applicant with PC (Maths/Biology) 
Environmental Sc
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)Applicants with PCM at XII level can apply
Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science
Physics, Mathematics, Electronics
Physics, Mathematics, Statistics
OptometryPCB at XII is must to apply for this course
Post Nursing
  • XII with PCB with 45% marks.
  • A candidate must be of 17 years of age.
Nursing (Post Basic) GNM & RNRM
B.PharmaMBA in Pharmaceutical Management (Dual Degree) A candidate must have passed XII with PC (Maths/Biology) with a minimum of 45% marks.Based on IUET
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Lateral Entry for Diploma Holders)-----A candidate must hold a certificate of D.Pharma with 45% marks.
Pharma.D.10+2/D.Pharma with 55% marks with PC(Maths/Biology)
M.ScAgronomyA candidate should have passed B.Sc / B.Sc (Hons) with Agriculture
Genetics & Plant Breeding
Soil Science 
HorticultureA candidate should have passed B.Sc / B.Sc (Hons) with Agriculture/Horticulture

A candidate must have passed B.Sc./ B.Sc.(Hons) with Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Biological Science/ Agriculture/ B.V.Sc. 

BioinformaticsMust have passed B.Sc. with Biological Science/ Physical Science/ B.Tech./ B.E./ B.Pharm./ B.V.Sc. 
BiotechnologyB.Sc. with Biotechnology/ Biological Science/ Agriculture/ B.V.Sc./ B.Sc. Hons. (Biotechnology) 
ChemistryB.Sc/B.Sc (Hons) with Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Environmental ScienceB.Sc/B.Sc (Hons) with Zoology & Chemistry as a major subject OR Life Sciences OR Anthropology OR MLT / Zoology & Botany as the major subjects  OR Life Sciences OR MLT.
StatisticsB.Sc with Stats
MathematicsB.Sc/B.Sc (Hons) with Maths
Physics) (Electronics)B.Sc/B.Sc (Hons) with PCM.
M.Pharmacy Pharmaceutical ChemistryShould have passed B.Pharma with 55% marks (for SC/ST 50% ) GPAT or IUET
Pharma DPost Baccalaureate

With a minimum score of 50% marks for B.Sc courses.

Integral University Architecture, Planning & Design Courses Admission 2023

The Integral University offers Architecture, Planning & Design courses at UG & PG level.

CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process
  • 10+2 or equivalent with minimum 55% marks along with the compulsory subject of Mathematics. OR
  • 10 + 3 year's diploma in any stream from a recognized University/ Board/ Institution. 
  • The NATA (National Aptitude Test  OR
  • JEE Mains for B.Arch
  •  UPSEE-B.Arch OR
  • Any other Entrance Examination approved by the Council of Architecture.
Bachelor of Design Fashion DesignA candidate should have passed XII with 50% marks On the basis on their marks in the qualifying exam
Product Design & Interior Design
B.Plan-----Should have passed 3 years diploma /XII with 55% marks with any branch of Engg/PCM.
M.ArchB.Arch with 55% marksIUET
M.PlanB.Arch/B.Plan/B.Tech/B.E with  55% marksQualifying marks score.

Integral University Humanities & Social Sciences Admission 2023

The candidates can apply in Arts courses also which are offered at UG, PG & Diploma level.

CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process
BAPhysical EducationXII in any stream with 45% marksQualifying exam score
Political Science
Defence and Strategic Studies 
MAEconomics BA with 45% marks in a relevant subject can apply.
Political Science
EnglishUG level with a minimum 50% marks
MSW---Graduation in any stream with 45% marks 
DiplomaArabicCertificate of proficiency in relevant subject with 45% marks

Integral University UG Courses Admission 2023

Integral University other UG courses like BCA, BBA, B.Com, BMS, BPT, MLT, B.Optometry, etc.

CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process

A candidate must have passed 10+2 in any discipline with minimum 45% marks in aggregate 

Based on merit.
Bachelor of Vocational Education IT Software Development10 + 2 in any stream
BBAGeneral 10+2 in any discipline with minimum 50% marks in aggregate 
Financial Services
Supply Chain Management
Business Analytics
B.ComXII with Commerce or Sc with 50% marks 
International Accounting & Finance)
Bachelor MBBSShould have passed XII with PCB & English with 50% in avg.
PhysiotherapyShould have passed XII with PCB with 50% marks
Medical Lab Technology
Radio Imaging Technology
Forensic Science
Health Information Technology
EducationGraduation/PG with a minimum 50% marks (55% marks for BE/B.Tech) 
Library & Information ScienceAny Graduate with 45% marks can apply. The maximum age is 45 years.
LL.b10+2 passed candidate with a minimum 45% marks
Bachelor in Journalism & Mass CommunicationAny Graduate with 50% marks can apply.

All the seats are allotted in M.B.B.S., M.D. & M.S. through counselling organized by State Government as per the merit secured in NEET UG & NEET PG respectively.

Integral University Other PG Courses Admission 2023

The other Postgraduate courses which are offered by the Integral University have been discussed below in the table:

CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process
MCA-----A candidate should have passed Graduation with a minimum of 50% marks with Maths at XII or at Graduation level.IUET
Lateral EntryBachelor's degree of min. 3yrs duration in BCA, B.Sc.-(IT/Computer Science/Computer Application) with Mathematics at 10+2 level or Graduate level with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.
MBAGeneralPassed graduation with 50% (any Stream), 55% in case of B.Tech/B.E in aggregate.IUET/CAT/MAT/UPSEE or any state entrance examination or any other entrance exam


Hotel Management

Passed Graduation with Hotel Management with 50% marks.

Digital MarketingShould have passed graduation with 50% in any Stream, 55% in case of B.Tech/B.E in aggregate.
Supply Chain Management

Passed BBA-Tourism with 50% marks.

ExecutiveGraduation in any discipline with 50% marks with minimum 03 years of work experience.
Hospital & Health Care ManagementMBBS/BDS/BUMS/BAMS/BHMS with 50% marks.
Agribusiness Management
  • B.Tech with Agricultural Enggineering / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry / Agriculture / Horticulture / Food Tech. / Dairy Tech. / VET.Science & Animal Husbandry / HomeScience with minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate


  • Bachelor's/Masters or equivalent qualification in any non-agricultural discipline from a University or Institution with condition that the candidate must have a strong interest in Agriculture, Food, Rural and allied sectors.
Merit Basis
M.Com-----Candidates should hold a degree of B.Com/B.Com(Hons) with 50% marksIUET 
International Accounting & Finance
Doctor of Medicine BiochemistryShould have passed MBBSMerit basis of qualifying exam score
Community Medicine
Master of SurgeryOphthalmology
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Master of Physiotherapy---------BPT/BPTh with 55% marks
M.ScMedical PharmacologyOne should hold a degree of B.Sc with Zoology & Chemistry as the major subjects OR Life Sciences OR Anthropology OR MLTIUET score
Medical Anatomy
Medical Biochemistry
Medical Microbiology
Medical Physiology
M.Ed----B.Ed. with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate from a recognized University.Will be based on merit.
M.Lib.SC.B.LI.Sc/B.Lib.Sc. with a minimum 45% marks
LLMLLB with a 55% marks & 50% marks for reserved categories.
Master in Journalism & Mass CommunicationGraduation in any stream with 50% marks

Get detailed information about IUET 2023

Integral University Ph.D. Admission 2023

The candidate will have to qualify IUET to get admission in the PhD programme. UGC-NET/UGC-CSIR NET / SLET/GATE/Teacher fellowship holder or M.Phil degree holder are exempted from IUET. Such candidates will be selected based on an Interview.

CourseSpecializationEligibility CriteriaSelection Process
PhDAgricultureMaster's degree in a relevant subject with a minimum 55% marks IUET
Commerce & Business Management
Civil Engineering
Computer Application
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Environmental Science
Mathematics & Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Biochemistry
Medical Physiology

How to Apply for Integral University Admission 2023?

The candidates have to apply online on the official website of the university. Also, they can obtain forms from Selected Book Stores & University campus.

  • To apply they need to register themselves by providing their name, email address, mobile number, etc.
  • Applicants must provide all relevant details only.
  • Also, they will have to upload the required documents in the prescribed format.
  • Lastly, they will have to deposit the requisite fee of Rs 1000/- to complete the form.
  • Duly filled Application forms should reach the below address:

Directorate of Admissions & Academics,

Integral University, Dasuli, P.O. Basha, Kursi Road, Lucknow-226026

Integral University, Lucknow Fees & Eligibility

MBA₹1.25 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)Graduation with 50% + IUET
B.Tech₹1.4 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)10+2 with 45% + IUET
BCA₹70,000 (1st Year Fees)10+2 with 45%
MBBS₹17 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)10+2 with 50% + NEET
Diploma₹50,000 (1st Year Fees)10+2 with 40%
Pharm.D (PB)₹1.4 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)B.Pharm with 55% + IUET
BBA₹80,000 (1st Year Fees)10+2 with 50%


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