Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur (HBTU KANPUR) - Results

State University


Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

State University


Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

HBTU Results 2020: Semester Results (2019-2020) Announced, How to check?

Updated On - August 09 2020 by Srishti Pandey

HBTU Result 2020 will be released by Harcourt Butler Technical University. HBTU publishes the semester-wise (Odd/Even) results for the exams conducted by it. HBTU conducts semester exams twice a year. University helds even semester examinations in April- May while odd semester exams are conducted in November-December. Results for the same are published within the two-three months of examination. University is also supposed to release the carry over results, revaluation result, Toppers List and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the HBTU website. 
Latest Update:
  • 1ST Year Pandemic Result of Even Semester 2019- 2020 of B.Tech/MCA. Check Here
  • Final MCA (Regular) result of Even Semester 2019- 2020 are out. Check Here.
  • Final Year B.Tech/MCA result of ODD Semester 2019-2020 released. Check Here.
  • 3rd Year Result of B.tech Odd semester 2019- 2020 released. Check Here.
  • Second Year B.Tech/MCA results of Odd semester 2019- 2020 released. Check Here.
  • First Year B.Tech/MCA result of Odd semester 2019- 2020 Released. Check Here.
  • First Semester M.Tech result of Odd semester 2019- 2020 released. Check Here
  • Third Semester M.Tech result for Odd semester 2019-2020 of CH, ESE, FT Branch. Check Here.
  • Third semester M.Tech result of Odd semester 2019-2020 of BE, CAD, OT, EC branch. Check Here.

HBTU Result 2020

Harcourt Butler Technical University has released the Odd semester i.e. (1st, 3rd, 5th) semester results recently for 2019-2020 batch for various courses such as MCA, B.Tech etc in their Official Website. HBTU provides an opportunity to revaluate the copy of Examination answer sheet of MCA, BTech and all other courses for the students who are not satisfied with the marks secured by them in the semester exam or may also apply for Carry Over papers. The candidates have to visit the official website and check the respective courses and year/semester exam result through the roll number and registration number. 

How to download HBTU Result 2020?

The University will release the semester exam result in online mode at its official website. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download HBTU Result 2020.
  • Step 1: Visit the HBTU Official Website.
  • Step 2: Click on the ‘Results’ tab from the home tab at the end of the page.
  • Step 3: Then, select the course for which the candidate wants to check the result.
  • Step 4: Enter the Login details such as User ID and Password. Click on the ‘Sign In’ button.
  • Step 5: Result will display on the screen.
  • Step 6: Candidates are advised to download and print the result for future use.

Details Printed on HBTU Result 2020

Candidates are advised to check out the details printed on semester exam result of the Harcourt Butler Technical University.

  • Exam Name
  • Semester/Year
  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Roll Number
  • Subject Code & Name
  • Internal and External Marks
  •  Total Marks
  • Grades/ Result
Note: In case of any disperiency, candidates must contact the exam conducting authority of the university.

HBTU Semester Exams

The semester final examinations shall be held at the end of each semester in each course. The semester final examination is mainly the theory paper of two hours duration which will be held through Online mode for End semesters through MCQ. The candidates must fulfil all the norms to be eligible to give the semester/annual examinations as per university norms.  lt shall be the responsibility of the university to conduct the theory portion of the semester final examination. Practical examinations shall be conducted by the respective colleges. ln affiliated colleges, the final practical examination shall be conducted and evaluated by the - nominated teacher from University College.

Carry- Over Examinations

Those candidates who have "F" Grade in any subject are required to appear in the "Carry-Over Examinations" in the subsequent years. The sessional marks obtained by the Student in the first attempt will be carried forward to the final tabulation of the Carry- Over examinations. Those candidates hwo have to apply for carry over examinations can apply through Online mode by filling the application form available to the candidates on their official website. The candidates have to pay a requite non- refundable fees for the examination before the set dates as decided by the authority. 

HBTU Result 2020: Revaluation 

The students who are not satisfied with the obtained marks in the HBTU exam 2020 can fill 'HBTU Challenge Evaluation Form' to get their answer book evaluated. The university will issue the revaluation form within 1 month after the HBTU result declaration. To fill the application form of revaluation of HBTU answer sheet 2020, the student will have to download the same from the official website of the university. The student will also have to pay the requisite along with the form of marks revaluation for the HBTU result 2020. In the process of revaluation of the answer sheet, the candidate’s answer sheet will be rechecked by the authorized person. If the students revaluated scor has more than 15 percent hike from the initial score, then the entire revaluation challenge fee paid by the students will be refunded.  

How to apply for the HBTU answer sheet revaluation 2020? 

The steps to apply for the revaluation of the answer sheet of HBTU exam 2020 are as given below: 

  • Visit the official website of HBTU university at https://hbtu.ac.in/.
  •  Click on the link to check ‘HBTU 2020 answer sheet revaluation’ in the student’s section.
  • The candidates will have to fill the application revaluation of HBTU result 2020.
  •  Click on submit.
  • Now, submit the requisite fees on the website.
  • Now submit the complete for of HBTU exam 2020 online
  •  Take out the print of the application form after submitting the fee for the future reference.

Harcourt Butler Technical University 

Harcourt Butler Technical University (HBTU) is a technical university located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Established in 1921 as an engineering institute (HBTI), the university is considered one of the oldest engineering college of India. HBTU offers various undergraduate (B.Tech), postgraduate (M.Tech) and doctoral programs (PhD) in various engineering disciplines. The university is spread across two campuses: east campus and west campus. Admission to various courses offered is done through various entrance examinations like JEE Main, GATE, NIMCET, UGC-NET/JRF. HBTU has been approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). 

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