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Birla Institute of Technology Mesra Ranchi (BIT Mesra RANCHI) - MBA Admission

Deemed to be University


Mesra, Jharkhand

Deemed to be University


Mesra, Jharkhand

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021: Application Form (Till 07 May), Eligibility Criteria, Dates

Updated On - May 07 2021 by Swagota Nandi

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 application form for BIT Mesra MBA admission 2021 is available till 07 May 2021. Birla Institute of Technology offers admission to two years full MBA program at Mesra (Main Campus), Jaipur, Lalpur and Noida Campuses. Candidates must have appeared CAT 2020, XAT 2021, CMAT 2021, MAT SEPT – 2020, MAT DEC-2020 & MAT 2021, and have a valid scorecard. Candidates can get all information related to BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 on this page.

Birla Institute of Technology Mesra MBA Admission 2020 Highlights

The candidates can check the overview of the Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) Mesra from the table given below:

University NameBirla Institute of Technology, Mesra (BIT)
University TypePrivate University
Establishment Year1955
Basic Admission CriteriaEntrance Based CAT, MAT, XAT, CMAT and GD & PI 
Application ModeOnline
Entrance ModeOffline

The university was formerly affiliated to Patna University until 1960 and after that, to the Institute of Science and Management, Ranchi.

Latest Update

  • BIT Mesra has revised the GD & PI dates for MBA Admission 2021. It has been scheduled to 17 and 18 May 2021
  • BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Application Form is extended up to 07 May 2021. Apply now --> BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Application Form

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Important Dates

Important schedule regarding the BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021, is given below table:

Online Application Form Starts12 Feb 2021
Last date for submission of Online Application07 May 2021
Display list of eligible candidates for GD & PITo be announced!
Date of GD & PI (short-listed candidates)17 & 18 May 2021
Declaration of Result06 May 2021
Classes will commence from2nd / 3rd week of July 2021

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Application Form

Candidates can fill their application for BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 at the official website of BIT Mesra. Applicants can fill the application form at admission.bitmesra.ac.in. Candidates are advised must ensure their eligibility criteria before going to apply online.

How to Apply BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Application Form

  • To fill online application form, click on the link “Apply Online” to register and create password for the application process. Do not share the password with anybody. Click here for important instruction for filling online application form.
  • Eligible candidates must complete and submit the application form online only [link available on the Institute website i.e. bitmesra.ac.in].
  • The candidates may select the choice of place for study maximum of three Campuses, in order of preference from the prompt. Candidates will not be permitted to alter their preferences at a later stage.
  • Candidates should proceed to fill the Online Application Form only after they satisfy themselves that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria.

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must have appeared in one of the following competitive examinations and should have minimum requisite percentile/scores.
  • Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification of any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislatures in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India/AIU. This degree must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling [Class 12 or equivalent] (10+2+3 system).
  • Candidates must have minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA in Honours/aggregate (45% for SC/ST) in graduation.
  • Candidates appearing for final examinations of their Bachelor’s programme in 202 can also apply, provided they have obtained requisite marks or equivalent based on latest available grades/marks at the time of applying, and if selected can join the programme provisionally.
  • At the time of reporting for the ‘GD & PI’ such applicant must bring a certificate in original from the Principal of Institute stating that:

a) by 30th June 2021, he/she will have appeared for the examination in all subjects required for obtaining his/her Bachelor’s degree.
b) He/she has obtained requisite marks or equivalent (as per item (3) above), based on latest available grades/marks.

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Selection Process

Selection lists, along with procedures for admissions, will be notified only after the GD&PI process at all Centres is over, on the Institute website, i.e. bitmesra.ac.in and Notice Boards of concerned Centres only. No separate intimation will be sent to candidates. Selected candidates will be required to take admission by the dates given, at the Centre of selection by depositing admission fee and required original certificates. Seats remaining vacant will be allotted to waitlisted candidates. The list of waitlisted candidates will also be announced on the Institute website and Notice Boards of concerned Centres only. No separate intimation will be sent to candidates.

  • Provisional selection will be made based on performance of the candidate in Group Discussion & Personal Interview (GD & PI) and
  •  Based on various reservation criteria of State and Central Govt. However, candidates must meet the minimum academic requirements.
Documents required at the time of admission:
If selected, candidates will be required to show originals of the above documents/certificates and submit the following certificates in original along with one set of the photocopies of all above documents/certificates and requisite fees.
  1. Migration Certificate.
  2. College leaving certificate.
  3. Cate/category certificate, if applicable (for one semester only).

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Shortlisted Candidates

Birla Institute of Technology will release the list of shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview (PI) for the MBA program. Candidates can check the shortlisted candidates’ list from the official website.

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Personal Interview

Check important details regarding GD and PI rounds below.

  • Provisional selection is usually made based on performance of the candidate in Group Discussion & Personal Interview (GD & PI) and based on various reservation criteria of State and Central Government. However, candidates must meet the minimum academic requirements. But due to the current situations in the country, GD is not being conducted and Interviews are going to be conducted through video conferencing.
  • Selection lists, along with procedures for admissions, are notified only after the GD&PI process at all Campuses is over, on the Institute website bitmesra.ac.in and Notice Boards of concerned Campus only. No separate intimation is sent to candidates.
  • Selected candidates will be required to take admission by the dates given, at the Campus of selection by depositing admission fee and required original certificates. Seats remaining vacant will be allotted to waitlisted candidates. The list of waitlisted candidates will also be announced on the Institute website and Notice Boards of concerned Campuses only. No separate intimation will be sent to candidates.
Documents to be submitted before PI

All the shortlisted candidates have to submit the following documents in PDF format alteast 24 hours before the allotted time of interview.

  • CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT scorcard
  • Proof of passing Graduation with requisite marks.

Only after online verification of documents, candidates are allowed to appear in the interview.

BIT Mesra MBA Admission 2021 Spot Admission

Instruction for Spot Admission Personal Interview
  • Personal interviews of the shortlisted applicants will be conducted as per the schedule given below. All applicants are therefore advised to be available for the interview as per timing given against their names. Intimation will also be sent through email a day before the personal interview.
  • You may join the interview from your Computer, Tablet or Smartphone by using the link which will be shared with you by email any time during the time slot given. All applicants are advised to keep the following supporting documents (original or photocopies) ready with them during the interview process.
    • Pass certificate / Marksheet of Class 10
    • Marksheet(s) of Graduation / Marksheet(s) of Graduation up to pre-final year (for applicants who are appearing in 2020).
    • Score card of CAT 2020 / XAT 2021 / CMAT 2021 / MAT Sept-2020 or MAT Dec-2020 or MAT Feb-2021 [as received by e-mail].
  • In case an applicant is unable to join during the allotted interview slot, he/she may approach us through email at [email protected] and [email protected] with proper justification, within a hrs of his missed time slot. In that case, their interviews will be conducted at the end of the day
  • Applicants will be allowed to appear for the Interview only after online verification of their documents.
  • All shortlisted applicants will be called to appear for the ‘interview’ process on a purely provisional basis, subject to their eligibility being verified at the time of ‘document verification’ before the commencement of classes. Merely being allowed to appear for the interview process through video conferencing will not be considered as a ground for being eligible for admission.
  • Physical verification of documents will be conducted before the commencement of classes. The exact dates for the same will be notified in due course.
  • Provisional selection list along with necessary instructions will be notified on the Institute website once the interview process is over. All applicants are therefore advised to keep visiting our website for regular updates pertaining to admission.
  • If selected, all applicants will be required to pay the first instalment of fee towards admission.

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