ANUPGCET - Counselling

Acharya Nagarjuna University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test

Pen & Paper Mode

ANUPGCET 2022 Counselling: Process, Choice Filling, Fee

Updated On - December 10 2021 by Urja Sardesai

ANUPGCET 2022 Counseling is conducted by Andhra Pradesh University after the result publication. The candidate who qualifies for the entrance exam will be called for the counseling session. Counseling is organized in two-phase rounds for admission to the PG course. The selection of the candidate will be based on marks obtained in the exam. The candidate has to bring the documents for verification in the counseling. Candidates can read the below-given article to know more about ANU PGCET 2022 Counseling.

ANUPGCET 2022 Counseling Dates

Candidate can check the important dates and events regarding ANUPGCET 2022 counseling:
ANUPGCET 2022 Counselling
 To be announced
Certificate verificationTo be announced
Manual admission for NCC, CAP, PH, and  Sports categories at Acharya Nagarjuna Univesity, GunturTo be announced
Web option open duringTo be announced
Allotment of the seat (1st phase)To be announced
Payment of course fee for the allotted seatTo be announced
Phase II counseling dateTo be announced

ANUPGCET 2022 Result

Authority will declare the AUNPGCET 2022 Result online on the official website. The candidate must note that result will not be sent via post. The shortlisted candidate will be eligible to attend the ANUPGCET 2022 counseling session.

Below given are the steps to download the result/rank card:

  • Visit the official website of the University.
  • Click on the link Download Rank Card link.
  • Enter Hall Ticket Number and Date of Birth/Name, and press the submit button.
  • Download the file.
  • Take a printout for future processes.

The result will contain the rank and percentage of the candidate in the entrance exam. 

ANUPGCET 2022 Tie-Breaking Criteria

Incase two candidates will get the same marks then the authority will follow the tie-breaking rule to resolve it. Given below the tie-breaking criteria:

  • Candidate with a higher percentage obtained in the Qualifying Examination will be given preference.
  • Incase the tie does not resolve then marks obtained in the Group subjects of the qualifying examination will be given priority.
  • If the tie still exists then the candidate older in age will be given preference.

ANUPGCET 2022 Counseling

Counseling can check the following points regarding ANUPGCET counseling: 

  • Selection of candidate depends on the rank obtained in the Entrance Test for all courses, except M.P.Ed. For M.P.Ed. admissions will be made based on the marks obtained in the entrance test and weightage of marks for sports achievements.
  • Candidates have to bring their original certificates and the photostats at the time of the counseling for certificate verification purposes.
  • The exact date of the counseling will be made available on the official website of the university after the result declaration tentatively in June. Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated with the university website to find the latest information regarding the admission.

ANUPGCET 2022 Counseling Procedure

The candidate must know the counseling procedure to avoid any kind of inconvenience. Given below the ANUPGCET 2022 Counseling procedure:

  • Candidates can download their Rank Cards/Result and Schedule of Counseling from the website.
  • The candidate will also get the SMS/Email for the counseling schedule.
  • If an applicant fails to report to the authority (Director, Directorate of Admissions) when their name will announce, they will be considered for allotment of the seat at the end of that Session subject to availability of seats and no explanation for the delay in reporting to the authority will be entertained under any circumstance.
  • The candidate has to pay the processing Fee and Prescribed Admissions Fee at the time of counseling in a single installment.
  • Duly filled in declaration form given in Annexure – B (which is provided in information brochure) and must be submitted at the counseling.
  • A Candidate once allotted with a seat in college can avail of transfer of college by paying the amount of Rs.300/- for the first time
  • Candidates can change the college again by paying Rs 500/- and that would be the last chance to change the college.
  • For reimbursement of fee, the Income certificate is invariable to be issued by M.R.O.
  • If the Original Certificates are not submitted at the time of counseling then the candidate has to pay a total prescribed fee and no concession will be allowed by the conducting body.
  • The income certificate of the parent/guardian issued by M.R.O. is valid if it is issued within six months from the date of counseling.
  • The Fee Reimbursement will be limited to the extent of Rs.20,000/- only (wide G.O. M.S. 56, S.W. Edn.-2. Dept dated 6.10.2003), and if the fee is over and above Rs.20,000/- the remaining amount has to be paid at the time of counseling failing which candidate has to forfeit the seat.
  • All the candidates who have been admitted into the PG Courses of ANU and are entitled to Fee Reimbursement of Rs.20,000/- will have to pay Rs.100/- additionally.

Documents required at the time of counseling

Candidate has to bring the following documents at the time of counseling process for verification: (according to the previous year)

  • ANUPGCET – 2022 Application, Hall Ticket
  • ANUPGCET – 2022 Rank Card
  • Transfer Certificate & Conduct Certificate from the college last studied
  • Degree Provisional Certificate / Original Degree
  • Degree Mark Memos of Three Years
  • Reserved Category / Permanent Caste Certificate issued in 2022 from Mee Seva (for SC, ST, and BC Candidates if the reservation is claimed)
  • S.S.C / Date of Birth Certificate
  • Intermediate or equivalent Certificate
  • Income Certificate issued in 2022 from Mee Seva (if fee concession is claimed)
  • Study Certificates (from 9th Class to Degree final year) / Residence Certificate of last Seven Academic Years (from Mee Seva issued in 2022) / Form-I or II or III or IV as given in Annexure – A (which is provided in information brochure) about the claim of Local Candidate
  • Copy of the Relevant Certificates issued from concerned authorities if Special Reservation is claimed under PH/ NCC/ SPORTS/ CAP
  • Migration Certificate (Candidate studied other than Acharya Nagarjuna University)
  • Declaration form as given in Annexure-B (which was provided in information brochure)
  • Two sets Xerox copies of the above-mentioned certificates and Two Passport size photos
Note: Candidates must note that they will not be allowed into the Counseling Hall without Provisional Certificate (P.C) and Transfer Certificate (T.C). Candidates who have appeared and qualified in ANU PGCET-2022, they alone are eligible for Fee Reimbursement provided, they fulfil all other conditions of Govt. of AP Rules for Reimbursement.

Cancellation of seat

After getting admission in the college candidate can cancel the seat only in two conditions which are given below:

  1. On request, if they get a seat in another University
  2. Or if a candidate gets a job.
  • The fee paid by the candidate will be refunded after deducting 10% of the fee.
  • The Processing fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • In case the Candidate cancelled the seat which was already allotted, who has not paid the fee, the candidate has to pay the 10% of the course fee to receive the Original Certificates.
  • Cancellation of the seat will be allowed only before the closure of the Admissions for the Academic Year 2020-21.
  • If a candidate wants to cancel the seat after the closure of the Admissions, the penalties they are required to pay will be decided by the Registrar, A.N.U. based on the merits of the case.

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