Telangana University Nizamabad (TU NIZAMABAD) - Time Table

State University


Nizamabad, Telangana

State University


Nizamabad, Telangana

Telangana University Time Table 2020 (Released) – Check TU Degree Exam Time Table

Updated On - August 09 2020 by Aditya Anand

Telangana University Time Table 2020 has been released at the official website in the pdf format. Students can check the Telangana University Time Table in online mode. TU Degree Exam Time Table carries many important information such as exam name, exam date, time, paper title, paper number, course name, etc. Before appearing for the University examinations, candidates must check Telangana University Exam Time Table. Candidates can check out all the details related to Telangana University Time Table 2020 from this article.

Telangana University Time Table 2020

After check the time table for the Telangana University Exam 2020, students have to fill the online examination form on or before the last date. University officials will not accept the application forms after the due date. Candidates also have to pay the examination fee at the time of form submission. The fee paid once cannot be refunded or adjusted for any future examination. No applications shall be accepted thereafter under any circumstances. Check out the table for Telangana University Time Table 2020.
TU Telangana Time Table
Exam NameTime Table
UG (CBCS) 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem (REGULAR) and
Click Here
B.Ed. 4th Sem Practical Exam March 2020Click Here
PG 1/3/5/7/9 Semester Practical Examinations Schedule – IntimationClick Here
Extension of Last Date for Submission of PG 1st Sem Exam Application FormsClick Here
LL.B (1,3 and 5) and LL.M(1 & 3) Semester Examination Fee Notification 2020Click Here

How to check Telangana University Time Table 2020?

Candidates can check the time table of Telangana University in online from the official website. Candidates have to follow the steps given below in order to check Telangana University Time Table 2020.
  • Step 1: Visit the Telangana University official website.
  • Step 2: Click on the time table section from the home page.
  • Step 3: Select the relevant ‘Examination Branch’.
  • Step 4: Go to the ‘Notifications’ section and click on the time table link.
  • Step 5: Check the time table and download it and take a printout of it for future use.

Printed Details on Telangana University Time Table 2020

Candidates must check out the following details from the Telangana University Time Table.
  • Exam Name
  • Semester/year
  • Session
  • Exam Date
  • Exam Time
  • Paper Number
  • Paper Title
  • Course Name
  • Controller of Examination

TU Exam Day Instructions

Candidates appearing for the exam are advised to follow the instructions given by the examiner. Given below are some important points to be followed on the day of the examination:

  • Students appearing for the exams must report to the examination centre at least 30 minutes before the exam commencement time.
  • All the students must bring their own stationery items as exchanging of stationery is strictly prohibited during the exam.
  • Any unfair means such as Mobile Phone/Pager, Scanner pen or camera, or any electronic/digital gadget, etc is strictly prohibited inside the examination hall.
  • Candidates must avoid any kind of malpractice during the exam. If any student found being involved in any malpractice then he/she shall be disqualified under the UFM.
  • If any kind of support material, other than that which is permitted, is found at or by the desk, it may be treated as an attempt to cheat and relevant procedures for cheating will be followed accordingly.

Preparation Tips Regarding the Examination

Telangana University conducts a semester-wise examination for all the courses. Students must prepare well before the exam to qualify their respective subjects and to enter into the next semester without any supplemement/backlogs. Students can opt for the following preparation tips regarding the examination:
  • Students must study from the class notes provided by the faculty and make important notes.
  • Study from the books referred by the faculty.
  • Solve previous year question paper in order to know about the paper level and question types.
  • Always focus on the topics taught in the class.
  • Prepare from test conducted by University as well as in class.
  • Revise whole syllabus daily and prepare accordingly also.

Telangana University Hall Ticket 2020

The University is supposed to release the hall ticket for all the eligible students. Telangana University Hall Ticket is an important document that students must carry on the day of the examination. Any students shall not be entertained without the admit card. The examiner can verify the hall ticket/admit card of every student during the examination. Every student must carry a valid identity card along with the admit card on the day of the exam. All the candidates are  advised to keep the admit card safe and secure until the result is announced.

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