Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chennai (TANUVAS CHENNAI) - Results

State University


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

State University


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020: Semester/Annual Result, How to check?

Updated On - August 07 2020 by Payal Srivastava

TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020: TANUVAS Chennai Result for the main exam will be uploaded online at the official website. Candidates can check the TANUVAS Chennai Result to know the total marks, remarks, and grades. TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020 will be available faculty wise. Candidates can check seat no, subject wise marks, total and result, etc on the web. The University conducts the odd semester examination in the month of November. The annual is conducted at the end of each year. TANUVAS Chennai Results are available for the examination held in the month of February / March 2020. Candidates can refer to this article to know the steps to check the result and apply for revaluation of the answer sheet etc.

TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Result of TANUVAS in the following table:
TANUVAS Chennai Result Highlights
Name of the UniversityTamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
About ExamTANUVAS Chennai Exam 2020
Exam CategorySemester Exam
Exam ModeOffline
Result ModeOnline
Details RequiredCandidate’s Roll Number or Registration Number
AddressMadhavaram Milk Colony Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600051
Official Websitehttp://www.tanuvas.ac.in/

TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020 How to check?

TANUVAS Chennai Result is announced just after the successful completion of the University annual examination. A student shall be considered to pass the examination if he/she secured minimum passing marks in the examination. TANUVAS Chennai also provides an opportunity for the students to apply for the revaluation/re-totaling/ view of the answer book. The University also conducts the supplementary examinations. Check out the highlight table for TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020.
The result will be released by the university on its official website. Candidates should follow these steps to check and download the result of various courses exams of TANUVAS Chennai:
  • Visit the official website of the institute – www.tanuvas.ac.in
  • Click on the “News and Events” tab available at the bottom of the homepage of the website.
  • From the given below links, Click on “Results”
  • You will be directed to a new page.
  • Here you will find the results of UG and PG courses.
  • Click on the desired link for which you want to check the result.
  • Now, Enter your registration number and click on the submit button.
  • Your results will be displayed on the screen.
Note: The university will provide the mark sheet of the students.

Details Printed on TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020

Following are the details printed on present on TANUVAS Chennai:
  • Register Number
  • Student Name
  • Branch
  • Semester
  • Subject Code
  • Grade Obtained
  • Result Status (Pass/Fail)

TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020 Revaluation / Re-totaling Of Answer Books

The students are allowed by the university to apply for revaluation/re-totaling/ photocopy of answer books immediately after the announcement of the result. Students can apply through an online portal. For revaluation/re-totaling/ photocopy of answer books, candidates have to pay the fees as prescribed by the University. The results will be declared online after the revaluation/re-totaling process. After the valuation, the marks will be entered in front of the examiners. Then, at last, the examiner will check and certify all the marks to the candidates.

TANUVAS Chennai Result 2020 Supplementary Examination

Supplementary examination for the students who fail in a paper is always conducted by the university. The supplementary exam is conducted for both regular and private courses. Students who wish to apply for the supplementary exam must submit the application form and the requisite fees on or before the last date. The due date should be taken seriously by the candidate as the university does not allow any students' application after it. The university will publish its result on the official website.

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

The seed for the establishment and growth of TANUVAS was sown as early as 1876 when the Madras Veterinary College began as an Agricultural School in Chennai to offer veterinary and animal science diplomas and certificate courses. The institute attained the status of a college in the year 1903 (01.10.1903), when it started functioning at Dobbin Hall, Chennai, and admitted 20 students for a three-year diploma course called GMVC (Graduate of Madras Veterinary College). Madras University has accepted the college as a postgraduate education center. The college was made into the Veterinary Education and Research Directorate in 1969. Then, in 1974, the college was academically affiliated with Tamilnadu Agricultural University (TNAU) and in 1976 became a constituent unit of TNAU.

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