Kaziranga University Jorhat (KU JORHAT) - Results

Deemed to be University


Jorhat, Assam

Deemed to be University


Jorhat, Assam

KU Jorhat Result 2020: How to Check Even Semester Result?

Updated On - August 17 2020 by Sajjan Brahma

KU Jorhat Result 2020 will be released by Kaziranga University Jorhat. KU Jorhat will publish the semester as well as annual results for the exams conducted by it. KU Jorhat conducts semester exams twice a year and annualy once in a year. University holds even semester examinations in April- May and odd semester exams are conducted in November-December. Results for are published within the 15-20 days of examination. University is also supposed to release the other results like revaluation result, Toppers List and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the KU Jorhat website. 

How to download KU Jorhat Result 2020?

The University will release the semester exam result in online mode at its official website. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download KU Jorhat Result 2020.

Step 1: Visit the KU Jorhat official website.
Step 2: Click the ‘Examination’ tab from the home tab.
Step 3: After that, select the result section
Step 4: Enter the Login details such as  ID and Password and the click on the ‘Sign In’ button.
Step 5: Result will get appear on the screen.
Step 6: Candidate can download the result for future safe.

Details Printed on KU Jorhat Result 2020

Candidates are advised to check out the details printed on semester exam result of the Kaziranga University Jorhat.

  • Exam Name
  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Roll Number
  • Subject Code & Name
  • Marks
  • Grades/ Result
Note: In case of any disperiency, candidates must contact the exam conducting authority of the university.

KU Jorhat Semester Exams

The final semester exams shall be held in each course at the end of each term. The final semester examination is basically a two-and-a-half-hour theoretical paper. It is the university's responsibility for performing the theory part of the final semester examination. The corresponding colleges are to perform practical exams. The affiliated colleges shall administer and evaluate the final practical test by the-nominated professor from University College. 

KU Jorhat Supplementary Application

Students at KU Jorhat may apply for their backlog papers for the supplementary test. They are given another chance to appear in it for the report, and earn higher marks. The note will be informed in the news section of the university website for filling out the supplementary form. The application form fee is INR 750/- and an online and offline charge is charged. There are also rules and regulations on qualifications, as in who can and can not appear for the exam. They are quoted as follows: 

  • Students who have appeared and failed in the regular exam are entitled to appear again during the supplementary process.
  • Students must secure a good attendance record for each subject to appear for it. 
  • Those who were unable to appear on the standard examination due to certain factors or who missed eligibility when appearing in the regular mode could also appear if they meet all the eligibility during the additional examination.

Revaluation of Answer Sheet

Kaziranga University Jorhat provides an opportunity to the candidates who are not happy by the marks secured by them can apply for revaluation or may demand for the copy of examination answer sheet. The revaluation forms will be available online at the KU Jorhat university's official website. Incomplete revaluation application forms will not be accepted by the university under any circumstances. The students will have to apply for revaluation of exam answer sheet only when the dates set by the authority. No one  has the authority to apply for the revaluation of answer sheet of any other applicant. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.

KU Jorhat Revaluation Application

After the publishing of result, in case any student is not satisfied with their result, then they can opt for the Revaluation of the subject exam. Candidates can apply for the revaluation of the answer sheet within 7-10 days after declaration of  the main result.

Candidate has to follow the steps given below to apply for online rechecking of Answer Book:

  • Student should visit the official website first.
  • Click on examination button and search for result revaluation.
  • Then fill the application for for rchecking of answer sheet
  • Pay the fees and submit it. 

The result of revaluation shall also be published within a month, students can check their result after revaluation from the official website by following the steps given below to check revaluation result:

  • Visit the official website of the University i.e. https://kazirangauniversity.in/
  • After that go to the Examination Section which is available in the notification tab.
  • Tap on the Revaluation Result link available on the page.
  • Then select the courses.
  • Enter hall ticket number and press submit button
  • Check your result.
  • Candidates are recommended to print the result for future reference.

Kaziranga University Jorhat 

Founded in 2012, Kaziranga University is one of the largest private universities in North-East India. Kaziranga University has been established under the Assam Private University Act No. XII of 2007, offering state-of-the-art education and research relevant to market needs. The University has been promoted by the Trust under the banner of The North Eastern Knowledge Foundation (NEKF) and founded in the year 2012 by the Khetan Industrial Group.
The social sensitivity and responsible entrepreneurship of both the groups have helped them to imbibe a culture of proedification in their endeavour and give back the knowledge and experience to the society that they have gathered over years of service to the nation.

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