Jagannath University Bahadurgarh NCR (JU BAHADURGARH NC) - Results

Private University


Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Private University


Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Jagannath University Result 2020: Semester Results, How to check?

Updated On - August 25 2020 by Divyansh K

Jagannath University Result 2020 has been announced now its official result portal. Students can check their UG and PG Courses Semester Result Online. Jagannath University offers the semester and yearly course system. Semester system is further of two categories i.e. odd semester and even semester. The odd semester examination is scheduled to be conducted from May and an even semester examination starts from November.  They must have their roll number to check their result online. Candidates can refer to this article to know the steps to check the result of Jagannath University. Results for all the courses offered by Jagannath University are published within the two-three weeks of examination. The Jagannath University website is also supposed to release the compartment results, revaluation result, Toppers List, and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the official website of Jagannath University. 

Jagannath University Result 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Jagannath University Result in the following table given below:

Jagannath University Result Detail
University NameJagannath University
Course NameUG/ PG
Exam Name
Semester Examination
CategoryUniversity Results
Mode Of result Declaration
AddressJhajjar Rd, Bahadurgarh, Haryana 124507
Official websitehttps://www.jagannathuniversityncr.ac.in/

For more details click on Jagannath University Admission 2020

Jagannath University Result 2020

Jagannath University is going to Declared Result on the official website. Candidates can check the Jagannath University on the official website of the university. The exams are conducted in semester patterns i.e. odd and even semester. The end semester of an odd semester is conducted in November. The end semester of even semester is conducted in April. So the Students search by Jagannath University Result 2020 on this web page. On the official site of the university, they Provide the link of Jagannath University UG/PG Main Exam Odd/Even semester Result 2020 link on the web portal. So the Candidates can check Jagannath University result by Name wise and Roll Number wise on the official website.

How to check Jagannath University Results?

Jagannath University announces the university result through its website and all the students are required to download the result from there only. To make it easy for them we have shared a simple procedure to check the results. Students can follow the procedure given below-

  • First, Students need to go to the Official Website
  • Now, go to the Results Notification Tab/Menu
  • Next, Click on your Respective courses Annual and Semester Result
  • Then, Click on the Year of which you are studying and
  • Its must to enter one’s Registration number
  • Check the Results

Details printed on the Jagannath University Result 2020:-

Candidates come across multiple details mentioned on the Jagannath University 2020 result. The details mentioned in the result are mentioned below.

  • Name of the candidate  
  • Enrolment number
  • Roll number
  • Program/Course
  • Course year/part
  • Name of the College
  • Father’s name
  • Marks obtained in each paper
  • Marks obtained in theory exam
  • Internal assessment marks
  • Marks in practical (if applicable)
  • Total marks
  • Result status (Pass/Fail)
  • Important Instructions
Note: In case of any disperiency, Students must contact the exam conducting authority of the university.

Revaluation of Answer Sheet

Jagannath University provides an opportunity by which candidates who are not satisfied by the marks secured by them can apply for revaluation or may demand a copy of the examination answer sheet. Students must note that they cannot apply for improvement of marks in the case of Term Paper, Project Paper, Internal assessment & viva-voce.  The revaluation forms of Jagannath University will be available online at the university's official website. Incomplete revaluation forms will not be accepted by the university under any circumstances. The candidate will have to apply for the revaluation of the answer sheet only during the dates set by the authority. Candidates have not the authority to apply for the revaluation of the answer sheet of any other applicant. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.

Jagannath University Time Tabel 2020

Jagannath University regular & ex-students can access their Jagannath University Time Table 2020. The university cell ready for Jagannath University Exam Date Sheet 2020 to be released via the official website. Jagannath University generally releases the examination date sheet in May. The Mid-term exam schedule is uploaded 20-25 before the exam, while the Term-End semester exam schedule is uploaded 60-65 days before the exam.

About Jagannath University

Jagan Nath University, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, came into existence as a Private University in May 2013, incorporated under Haryana State Legislature Act No. 8 of 2013, approved under Section 22 of the UGC Act 1956 and is member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU). The University started functioning with effect from the academic session 2013-14 on its own 26 acres campus located at State Highway 22, Bahadurgarh-Jhajjar Road, Dist. Jhajjar, Haryana, NCR. University offering UG and PG programs in the areas of Engineering and Technology, Architecture, Management, Commerce, Law, Journalism and Mass Communication, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Agriculture Science, Teacher Education, and Vocational Studies.

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