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WBJEE - Counselling

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination

Pen & Paper Mode

WBJEE 2023 Counselling: Dates, Choice Filling, Mop-up Round, Seat Allotment

Updated On - July 20 2023 by Abhinandan Singh

WBJEE 2023 counselling registration has started on July 20 and will continue until July 25. Candidates must complete the registration process within this timeframe. Candidates can check it through online mode from the official website. Those who will qualify West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination will only be called for the Counselling process. The candidates will have to carry their academic documents to the venue in original for verification purposes. Read the complete article to know more about WBJEE Counselling 2023.

WBJEE 2023 Counselling Key points

Here are the key points to keep in mind for WBJEE 2023 Counselling Registration:
  1. Personal and Academic Details: Candidates must provide necessary personal details such as name, address, and academic details including marks obtained in Class 10th and Class 12th, and JEE (Main) 2023 or WBJEE 2023 rank.
  2. Bank Account Details: Candidates need to provide their bank account details in case of any refund.
  3. Academic Information: Candidates should provide passing status, total marks, and obtained marks in English for Class 10th Standard, as well as passing status, overall full marks, and obtained total marks in Class 12th Standard.
  4. Subject-wise Marks: Candidates must provide the passing status, total marks, and obtained marks in Class 12th Standard for Physics and Mathematics along with Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Computer Science/Computer Application/Technical/Vocational subjects and English. If any subject is not applicable to a candidate, they should select "NA."
  5. Caution in Providing Information: Candidates should be very cautious when providing various information during registration to ensure accuracy.
  6. No Provision for Corrections: After final submission of registration, there is no provision to make any corrections or editing. Therefore, candidates should carefully review the provided information before submission.
  7. Legal Responsibility: If wrong input is given by the candidate during registration, resulting in no choice available or no seat allotted, the WBJEEB will not be held legally responsible for such errors and their after-effects.

It is crucial for candidates to double-check the information provided during registration to avoid any errors or issues during the counselling process. Once the registration is finalized, there will be no opportunity for corrections, so careful attention to detail is essential.

WBJEE 2023 Counselling Schedule

The candidates can check below in the table dates for WBJEE 2023:

WBJEE 2023 Counselling Brief Details 
Registration DatesJuly 20 - July 25
EligibilityCandidates with JEE Main 2023 rank, WBJEE rank, or both
Official Websitewbjeeb.nic.in
Last Date for ApplicationJuly 25
Courses OfferedEngineering, Pharmacy, Architecture
Registration ProcessOnline
Seat Allotment ResultAugust 1
Mock Seat AllocationJuly 27
Choice Modification and LockingJuly 28

WBJEE 2023 Counselling

Candidates can check the details regarding the WBJEE Counselling 2023 given below.

  • Firstly, after the result of the exam is declared, the counselling procedure is decided.
  • The candidates need to follow the counselling procedure and reach the centres accordingly.
  • Also, the original ID documents are necessary along with the scorecard or else the candidate will not get permission for admission.
  • The candidates need to pass the cutoff score to take part in the counselling procedure.  The seats will also be allocated according to the choices filled in by the candidates.

How WBJEE 2023 Counselling is Done?

The candidate needs to follow the following steps-

Step 1: Register for WBJEE counselling 2023

In the first step, the candidates will have to complete the WBJEE counselling registration process. Candidates have to go to the official website and fill in their WBJEE/JEE Main/NATA roll number, candidate's name, mother's name and date of birth. After registration, the password will be generated. 

Step 2: Choice Filling and Locking 

Registered candidates will have to use their WBJEE roll number and password to log in and fill in their choices for the preferred college and course. Candidates who fail to do or miss this step are not considered for admission and seat allotment.

Step 3: Check WBJEE seat allotment result

Candidates will be allocated seats based on their rank, preference list and availability of seats.

Step 6: Report at the Allotted Institutes

Candidates who are allocated seats will have to get their documents verified at their allotted institutes. 

The documents which are compulsory at the time of counselling include-

  • Class 10 mark sheet
  • Admit Card of WBJEE
  • Category certificate
  • Class 12 mark sheet
  • Printout of WBJEE 2023 rank card
  • Receipt of e-challan receipt
  • Allotment letter of WBJEE 2023
  • Domicile and PWD certificate if applicable

The candidate needs to follow the guidelines as given by the board and stick to the schedule.

The fee to be paid at Reporting centres:

S. No.Allotted QuotaAmount To Be Paid
1.TFWRs. 4000/-
2.State Aided Universities/Government InstitutesRs. 5000/-
3.Self-Financing Universities/InstitutesRs. 20000/-

WBJEE 2023 Counselling - Mop-Up Round

To participate in the WBJEE mop-up round, the candidates had to pay Rs. 200. This round is optional for all registered candidates. Candidates will also be allowed to modify their already filled choices during the mop-up round. The following groups of candidates will be eligible for the WBJEE 2023 mop-up round:

  • Those who completed admission in Round 1
  • Those who completed admission in Round 2
  • Those who did not complete admission in Round 2
  • Those whose category has been changed due to document verification in Round 2
  • Those who paid seat acceptance fee but failed to report for document verification
  • Those who did not get any allotment in Round 1 or 2

WBJEE 2023 Distribution Of Seats

S. No.Category NameNo of Seats Allocated
2.General Physically Handicapped136
4.ST Physically Handicapped8
5.OBC A1095
6.OBC A Physically Handicapped7
8.SC Physically Handicapped32
9.OBC B773
10.OBC B Physically Handicapped6
11.JEE Main3015
13.Management Quota983
14.Institute Total23968


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