GPAT - Syllabus

Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test

Computer Based Test

GPAT 2022 Syllabus: Subjects wise Syllabus Pdf, Question Papers, Best Books

Updated On - February 17 2022 by Vikash Jha

GPAT 2022 Syllabus will be released by conducting authority on its official website. It is a national-level entrance exam conducted by NTA(National Test Agency). This exam offer admission to the candidates into the M.Pharm program. Earlier this exam was being conducted by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). The GPAT score is accepted by all AICTE-Approved Institutions/ Constituent Colleges/ University Departments/Affiliated Colleges. Candidates must read the given below article regarding the GPAT syllabus for better preparation. Also, download GPAT 2022 Syllabus pdf given below.

GPAT 2022 Syllabus

Candidates can check the subjects wise GPAT 2022 Syllabus as per the previous year's information bulletin mentioned below:

Physical Chemistry Syllabus

Check the given below table of GPAT Physical Chemistry Syllabus:

Composition & physical states of matterIntermolecular forces & their impact on the state of the matter. Various physical properties of matter, dipole moment, dielectric constant, Van Der Waal's equation & critical phenomenon, liquefaction of gases, aerosols.
Colligative PropertiesThe liquid state, vapour pressure, ideal & real solutions. Raoult's law, the elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular weight based on colligative properties.
ThermodynamicsFirst, second & third law of thermodynamics. Thermochemical laws, isothermic & adiabatic
processes, reversible processes, work of expansion, heat content, enthalpy, heat capacity.
Gibb's & Helmholtz equation & chemical potential.
 Refractive indexRefractive index, specific refractivity, molar refractivity, refractometers.
Solution Solubility, factors affecting solubility, solubility curves. Types of solutions, effect of co-solvency, pH & other factors on solubility. Solubility of gases in liquids, liquids in liquids, & solids in liquids, critical solution temperature, law of partitioning & its applications. Solute-solvent interactions. Expression of the concentration of pharmaceutical solutions & calculations. Molarity, molality, mole fraction & percentage expressions.
ElectrochemistryProperties of electrolyte solutions, electrolysis. Faraday's law of electrolysis, electron transport, electrical cell, single electrode potential, concentration cells, half-cells & half-cell potential, types of half cells, sign convention, Nernst equation, salt bridge, electromotive series, standard potential, SHE. Measuring the relative voltage of half cells, Calculation of standard potential. Reference & indicator electrodes. Standard oxidation-reduction potential.
Ionic equilibriumTheory of conductivity, equivalent conductance, mobility of ions, specific conductance.
 KineticsOrder of reactions, derivation & internal form of rate laws, molarities of reaction,
derivation of rate constants.

Biochemistry Syllabus

Given below is the all information related GPAT 2022 Biochemistry Syllabus:

CellRevision of ultrastructure of the cell, functions of various cellular constituents. Applications of biochemical principles to the pharmacy.
CarbohydratesTypes of carbohydrates, their functions, digestion, & absorption. Aerobic & anaerobic oxidation with energetics. Glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, & gluconeogenesis. Hexose monophosphate shunt [HMP shunt]. Diseases associated with carbohydrate metabolism.
Proteins Different types of proteins. Their functions, digestion & absorption. Denaturation & its effect on biological activity. Renaturation of proteins. Urea formation, urea cycle, creatinine formation. Transamination & deamination. Proteins as enzymes.
LipidsDifferent types of lipids. Their functions, digestion, absorption & metabolism. (Beta-Oxidation of fatty acids with energetics. Biosynthesis of cholesterol [from acetate], adrenocorticoids, androgens, progesterone, estrogens, & bile acids / salts. Ketone bodies, their formation & biochemical significance. Diseases associated with lipid metabolism.
VitaminsDefinition. Classification, structures [except B12] biochemical role, sources, daily requirements, & deficiency symptoms. Vitamins as co-factors in biochemical reactions.
Biological oxidations & reductionOxidation-reduction systems in the body their role. Oxidative phosphorylation &
Electron transport chain. Cytochromes & inhibitors of the same.
 EnzymesClassification & their various roles. Enzyme co-factors. Enzyme kinetics. Michaelis-Menton
equation along with its transformations. Double reciprocal plot. Factors affecting enzyme
action. Enzyme inhibition, competitive & non-competitive, & kinetics.
Nucleic AcidsDifferent types of nucleic acids [NAs] & their composition. Purine & pyrimidine bases, sugars, & phosphoric acid. Nucleosides & nucleotides. Formation of NAs & their backbone. Different ways of representing DNA & RNA molecules. Physico-chemical properties of NAs. Their stability in acidic & basic solutions. Isolation, purification & identification, buoyant density, sedimentation coefficient, & Svedberg constant of NAs. De-novo biosynthesis of NAs. DNA & the Watson-Crick model & its features. DNA as the bearer of genetic information. The Central dogma of molecular genetics & the processes defined in the same. Replication of DNA. Different types of RNAs with their special features & functions. Minor or rare bases. Transcription & translation. Different post-translational modifications of proteins. Triplet codon & the codon dictionary. Mutations. An introduction to different types of mutations. Their nature & repair.
Hereditary diseasesEliptocytosis, spherocytosis, HNPCC, diabetes insipidus.

Microbiology Syllabus

Applicants can check the GAPT Microbiology Syllabus 2022 from the given below table:

Introduction to MicrobiologyScope and application to pharmacy field. Whittaker's Five Kingdom concept, historical
development - biogenesis Vs. abiogenesis, Germ theory of fermentation, Germ theory of
disease, the contribution of Leeuwenhoek, Robert Koch, Jenner, Louis Pasteur and Ehrlich
Microscopy and staining techniqueThe principle, ray diagram, construction, working and applications of the light compound, darkfield, phase contrast, Fluorescence & electron microscope. The concept of resolving power, Magnification power, numerical aperture and angular aperture and working distance. The principal application of oil immersion microscopy. Theory of staining, principle and technique of staining procedure - Monochrome, Gram, acid-fast, negative, capsule, endospore.
Biology of MicroorganismsCultural characteristics, pure culture techniques Bacteria - Morphology and fine structure of bacteria, Nutritional requirement and type of culture media, growth and growth curve of bacteria, physical condition for growth, measurement of bacterial growth (Counting Methods), Reproduction in bacteria, genetic exchange - transformation, conjugation, and transduction, development of drug resistance by recombination and mutation, preservation of bacterial culture. Biochemical properties (sugar fermentation and IMVIC test). Pathogenesis of Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium. Salmonella Introductory study of disease-causing rickettsia, the importance of actinomycetes in antibiotic production.
Fungi and VirusesFungi:- Introduction, general characteristics, morphology, the industrial and medical
significance of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Penicillium and Aspergillus, Candida Albicans,
Epidermophyton, and trichophytic.
Viruses: - Introduction, structure and general properties Bacteriophages - Lytic and
Lysogenic cycle, Epidemiological uses of Bacteriophages, human viruses - Cultivation and
Multiplication virus-host cell interaction, Pathogenesis of HIV and Prions, types of Tumor
Aseptic TechniqueThe omnipresence of microorganisms, the importance of asepsis, sources of contamination and methods of prevention, Principle, construction & working of laminar airflow bench.
Sterilization & Disinfectiona) Concept and classification, principle and methods of sterilization, Mechanisms of cell
b) Construction working & applications of moist heat & dry heat sterilizer, gamma
radiation sterilizer, filtration sterilizer. Indicators of sterilization, microbial death, kinetic
terms-D value, z value.
c) Terminology of chemical antimicrobial Agents, Chemical classification of different
disinfectants, characteristics of ideal disinfectants, factors affecting the action of
disinfectants, evaluation methods (RW Coeff.), Kelsey Sykes test, Chick Martin test. 
Microbial SpoilageTypes of spoilage, factors affecting the spoilage of pharmaceutical products.
Vaccines & SeraManufacturing (seed lot system) and quality control of bacterial vaccines & Toxoids (Tetanus, TAB, Cholera, BCG, DPT), Viral vaccine (Polio- Salk Sabin, Rabies, MMR, Hepatitis, Chickenpox, influenza), Antisera (diphtheria, tetanus), antiviral Antisera (rabies). Preparation of allergenic extracts & diagnostics.
Microbial AssayImportance, general methods of assay of antibiotics (Cup & plate method, paper disc method, turbidometry, dilution method), methods for fungicidal & antiviral compounds, assay, microbial limit tests

Human Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus

From the given below table candidates can check the GPAT Human Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus:

Cell PhysiologyCell, Cell junctions, transport mechanisms, homeostasis, ion channels, secondary messengers.
BloodComposition and functions of blood, RBC, WBC, platelets. Homeostasis, blood groups,
mechanism of clotting. Introduction to disorders of the blood.
Gastrointestinal tract Structure of the gastrointestinal tract, functions of its different parts including those of liver, pancreas and gallbladder, various gastrointestinal structures and their role in the digestion and absorption of food.
Respiration System Structure of respiratory organs, functions of respiration mechanism and regulation of
respiration, respiratory volumes and vital capacity.
Autonomic nervous system Physiology and functions of the autonomic nervous system. Mechanism of neurohumoral
transmission in ANS.
Sense organsStructure and physiology of eye (vision), ear (hearing), taste buds, nose (smell) and skin.
Skeletal SystemStructure and function of the skeleton. Articulation and movement. Disorders of bones and
Central Nervous System Functions of different parts of the brain and spinal cord. Neurohumoral transmission in the
central nervous system, reflex action, electroencephalogram, specialized functions of the brain, cranial nerves and their functions.
Urinary SystemVarious parts Structure and functions of the kidney and urinary tract. Physiology of urine
formation and acid-base balance. Brief Introduction to disorders of the kidney.
Endocrine GlandsBasic anatomy and physiology of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands and pancreas. Local hormones. A brief introduction to disorders of various endocrine glands.
Reproductive SystemVarious parts Structure and functions of the kidney and urinary tract. Physiology of urine
formation and acid-base balance. Brief Introduction to disorders of the kidney.
Cardiovascular system Anatomy of heart and blood vessels, physiology of blood circulation, cardiac cycle, the conducting system of the heart, heart sound, electrocardiogram, blood pressure and it's regulation.
Lymphatic system Composition, formation and circulation of lymph. Spleen and its functions.

GPAT 2022 Syllabus Pdf

Candidates can download previous year's syllabus pdf from the given below list of the subject:

GPAT 2022 Recommended Books 

Candidates can check the books for GPAT entrance exam 2022 preparation from the given below detail:

For Pharmaceutics:
  • Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery and Targeting, By Yvonne Perrie, Thomas Rades, Pharmaceutical Press, second edition
  • Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Sciences, By Nita K. Pandit
  • Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines, edited by Michael E. Aulton, Kevin Taylor
For Pharmaceutics Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry – Morrison & Boyd, 4th edn, 2011 Pearson, New Delhi 
  • Foye’s Principle of medicinal Chemistry –Eds-Thomas Lemke, D.A.Williams, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New Delhi
  • Stereochemistry Conformation and mechanism by P.S. Kalsi, 5th Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
For Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis (Analytical Chemistry) By. Dr. B.K.Sharma, Goel Publishing House, Meerut. 18th Edition (1999) (Part - Spectroscopy)
  • Introduction to Spectroscopy- D.L.Pavia,G.M.Lampman,G.S.Kriz
  • Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis (Analytical Chemistry) By. Dr. B.K.Sharma, Goel Publishing House, Meerut. 18th Edition (1999) (Part – Analytical Chemistry)
For Human Anatomy/Physiology/Pathophysiology/Pharmacology:
  • RANG AND DALE'S Pharmacology, 7th Edition, M.M Dale, J.M Ritter, R.J Flower, G.Henderson H.P, Rang
  • Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, David E. Golan
  • Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics –R.S.Satoskar, S.D. Bhandarkar, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai
For Pharmacognosy:
  • Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Thomas Edward Wallis, J & A Churchill ltd., London
  • Pharmacognosy, Tyler, 8th edition, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia
  • Textbook of Pharmacognosy-C.S.Shah and J.S.Qadry
For Marketing Management
  • Marketing Management, Phillip Kotler, Prentice Hall, 2003
  • Pharmaceutical Marketing in India, Subba Rao Chaganti, Excel Books Pvt. Ltd
For Biochemistry:
  • Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry, David L. Nielson, Macmillan Learning, 2012
  • Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 28th edition, Robert Murray, David Bender, Mcgraw-hill, 2009
For Microbiology:
  • Microbiology, Michael Pelczar, 5th edition, Tat McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

Candidates can download the GPAT 2022 Book Recommendation Pdf to know more books name for preparation.

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