
CG PAT - Syllabus

Chhattisgarh Pre Agriculture Test

Pen & Paper Mode

CG PAT Syllabus 2022: Download PDF of Science, Agriculture Group, Books

Updated On - June 03 2022 by Vanshika Johari

CG PAT Syllabus 2022 will be released by CG Vyapam and would be available in PDF format. CG Vyapam releases the syllabus for Science and Agriculture group separately on their official website. In the Science group, it consists of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology. Whereas, in Agriculture group, the topics are from Elements of Science, Mathematics and it's useful in Agriculture, Crop Production, Animal Husbandry, Poultry Farming and Horticulture. To score good marks it is important to know the syllabus of each subject with specific topics in which Chhattisgarh Pre-Agriculture Test questions are framed. Dig in to get a detailed CG PAT 2022 Syllabus.

CG PAT Syllabus 2022 For Science Group

Candidates can check CG PAT 2022 subject-wise syllabus below:

Syllabus for Physics

Candidates can look into the complete physics syllabus mentioned below:

Bar magnet lines of force, torque on a bar magnet due to magnetic field, earth’s magnetic field, tangent galvanometer, vibration magnetometer

Work, energy and power, Elastic collisions, Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy and its angular conversion to kinetic energy. 

Wave nature of light. Interference, Young’s double-slit experiment, the velocity of light and doppler’s effect in light

Acceleration due to gravity and its variation. The universal law of gravitation, geostationary satellites escape velocity

Dispersion in prism, absorption, and emission spectra.


Wave motion principle of superposition, progressive and stationary waves, beats and doppler effect
Laws of radioactive decay, decay constant, half-life and mean life, mass-energy relation, fission, x-ray: properties and usesPeriodic motion, Simple harmonic motion, Oscillations due to spring. Specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure, Mechanical equivalent of heat isothermal and adiabatic processes
Forces between two currents, moving galvanometer, ammeter and voltmeter, Alternating currents impedance and the elementary idea of dynamo and transformerThe human eye, defects of vision, magnification and resolving power of telescope and microscope. e and e/m for an electron, Einstein’s photoelectronic equation, photocellsUnits and dimensions, Dimensional analysis, SI Units, Motion in Two Dimensions. Cases of Uniform Velocity and Uniform Acceleration, 
Elementary ideas of conductor, semiconductor and insulator, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, pn junction as a rectifierCoulomb’s law of electrostatics, dielectric constant, electric field and potential due to a point charge, dipole, dipole field, Gauss's law in simple geometricsUniform, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Conservation of momentum and energy static and kinetic friction, General Relation among position and velocity. 
Electrostatic potential, capacitance, parallel plate and spherical capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel, the energy of a capacitorCircular motion, Force and inertia, Electromagnetic induction induced emf Faraday’s law.

Bio-Savart’s law, Magnetic fields due to a straight wire, circular loop and solenoid, Lenz’s law, self and mutual inductance

Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field, magnetic moment of a current loop, the effect of a uniform magnetic field of a current loopElectric power heating effects of currents, chemical effects of law and electrolysis, thermoelectricityBohr’s model of the atom, Hydrogen spectrum, Composition of the nucleus, Atomic masses and isotopes, radioactivity
The potential energy of a spring. Rigid body rotation and conservation of its momentum,Reactance growth and decay of current in L-R circuitMoment of inertia, theorems of parallel and perpendicular axis

Syllabus for Chemistry

Check below for the detailed chemistry Syllabus:

Organic ChemistryInorganic ChemistryGeneral and Physical Chemistry
BiomoleculesTransition MetalsChemical Bond
Nomenclature Common Functional GroupsCo-ordinations CompoundsSurface Chemistry
Preparation properties of AlkynesComparative Study of ElementsChemical Equilibrium
Alkynes and AlkylenesPrinciples of Metallurgical OperationsThermo Chemistry and Thermodynamics
Benzene PetroleumChemical AnalysisChemical Kinetic
Cracking, Octane NumberChemical PeriodicityMicelles Catalysis: Types and Characteristics
Gasoline Additives-Electrochemistry
Polymers Classification-Etructure of Atom
Nomenclature of Organic Compouds-Solid State
Calculation of Empirical and molecular Formulae or Organic Compounds-Nuclear Chemistry
Isomerism, Structure and shapes of Alkanes-Colloids and Catalysis, – Adsorption, Colloids, Emulsions, 
Alene's and Benzene-Solutions, Ionic Equilibria in Solutions

Syllabus for Mathematics

Check below the complete Mathematics syllabus for the science group:

Co-ordinate Geometry of 2 DimensionsCo-ordinate Geometry of 3 Dimensions
AlgebraNumerical Methods
Linear ProgrammingVector Algebra
Differential CalculusStatistics
Integral CalculusTrigonometry

Syllabus for Biology

Candidates can look into the detailed biology syllabus mentioned below:

Difference between Prokaryote and EukaryotesFive kingdom classificationEcosystem- Structures and Functions
Biotechnology: Scope and importance in agriculture Elementary knowledge of Fertilisation, Microsoporogenesis, MegasoporogenesisMendel’s law of Inheritance, Linkage and crossing over of genetic material, 
Principles of Plant Breeding and its Role in Improvement of CropsEnzymes and Growth hormones concerning their classificationStructural Organisation of Cell, Theory
Monohybrid and Dihydrid crossIndustries manufacture of cheese, Yoghurt Alcohol AntibioticsEndosperms and Embryo Development in Angiosperms
Tissue and Tissue systemsDNA replication, genetic code, transcription, translation and gene regulationRole of plants in human welfare

Candidates can download CG PAT Science Group Syllabus from here.

CG PAT Syllabus 2022 for Agriculture Group

Syllabus for Agriculture Physics

Look into the table below for the agriculture physics syllabus:

PumpsAtmospheric PressureTransmission of heat
Principle of ArchimedesLightGravitation and Gravity
Optical instrumentsMagnetismElectric power and energy
Friction MachinesElectrical capacity
Joule’s lawElectric chargeOhm’s law
Elementary idea of the house wiring electric ironElementary idea of the healing effect of currentDetermination of ‘j's by Joule’s Calorimeter
Thermal capacity Unit of heat, Specific of heatWater equivalent of heat, determination of specific heat of solid and liquidLatent heat, determination of latent heat of ice and steam

Syllabus for Agriculture Chemistry

Look into the table below for the agriculture Chemistry syllabus:

Atomic StructureChemical BondsIonic Theory
Fermentation, Ethyl Alcohol. Aliphatic Carboxylic Acid – Acetic Acid, UreaColloidsMethane, Ethylene, Acetylene
Volumetric Analysis Strength of SolutionNormality, MolarityClassification and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Isomerism
Determination of equivalent weight of acid, base and saltElementary BiochemistryCarbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins and Enzymes
Saturated and Unsaturated HydrocarbonsOil and Fats, Extraction, Composition and PropertiesChemistry of Gobar Gas
Chemical FertilizersManufacture of Soap, Vanaspati Ghee, Use of oil in paintsManufacture of Soap, Vanaspati Ghee, Use of oil in paints
Introduction of important minerals present in soil and their chemical compositionIntroduction to Organic ChemistryDetermination of Empirical, Molecular and Structural Formula of Simple Organic Compounds

Syllabus for Agriculture Mathematics

Look into the table below for the agriculture Chemistry syllabus:

Arithmetic ProgressionGeometric Progression
Logarithms and Common LogarithmsTrigonometric functions of angles

Product formula for Sin C, Sin D, Cos C, Cos D, Geometrical proof for SIN AB, COS AB,


The trigonometric ratio of the sum and differences of two angles

The trigonometric ratio of an angle 

Syllabus for Agriculture Botany and Zoology

Look into the table below for the agriculture Botany and Zoology syllabus:

Plant Anatomy
Agriculture Botany Zoology
Plant Breeding and Genetics
Plant Physiology

Syllabus for Crop Production and Horticulture

Look into the table below for the agriculture Crop Production and Horticulture syllabus:

Introduction and activities of agriculture and crop productionSoil and soil fertilityTillage
Manures and fertilizerProduction of cropsIrrigation and drainage
Weed and weed controlCropping scheme, principles and importance

Crop rotation, principle cropping, mixed and intercropping, 

Elementary Surveying and Importance of SurveyingIntroduction, Importance and scope of HorticultureVegetable Gardening
Fruit CultivationOrnamental GardeningFruit and Vegetable Preservation
Preservation of Fruits and VegetablesRural FinanceAgriculture Business Planning and Management
Dry farming and cooperative farming--

Syllabus for Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming

Look into the table below for the agriculture Husbandry and Poultry Farming syllabus:
IntroductionCare and Management of CattleDiseases of poultry
Improved Cattle BreedsDairy FarmingBreeding of Cattle
Milk ProductionComposition of milkFeed and feeding
Judging of cattleDairy appliancesMilk products
Common diseases of cattlePoultry farmingHousing and ration for poultry birds

Candidates can download CG PAT Agriculture Group Syllabus from here.

CG PAT 2022 Exam Pattern

The Candidates appearing must be aware of the correct exam pattern along with the syllabus of the entrance examination. Check the details below:

  • Mode of Examination: Pen-paper based (offline)
  • Duration of Examination: 3 hours 
  • No. of Question: 200 questions 
  • Maximum marks: 200
  • Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 marks each. No negative marking for the wrong/unattempted answers in this test.
Distribution of marks for Science group:
CG PPT Marks Distribution
Mathematics / Biology80
Distribution of marks for Agriculture group
Elements of Science, Mathematics useful for Agriculture80
Crop Production and Horticulture60
Elements of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming60

Important Books for CG PAT 2022

The candidates can refer to the books of their previous qualifying exam to prepare for CG PAT 2022. However, there are few books available that can also be referred for the preparation of the exam. Check the list given below.

Solved Papers Chhattisgarh PAT Pre-Agriculture
Test Entrance Exam Guide 2021 Hindi 
Chhattisgarh PAT Pre-Agriculture
Test Entrance Exam Guide 2021 Hindi
Chhattisgarh PAT Pre-Agriculture Test Entrance Exam Guide 2021
B.Sc. Agriculture Entrance Exam 2021
B.Sc. Agriculture Pravesh Pariksha 2021

Preparation Tips for CG PAT 2022

Check the preparation tips for CG PAT 2022 given below:

  • Prepare based on prescribed books.
  • Make notes while preparing. Not down important points.
  • Cover all topics of each subject to score good marks. Study according to the timetable. 
  • Try to practice previous year's question papers from which the students can understand the difficulty, pattern and type questions asked in the examination.
  • It is advised to understand the basic concert of each topic before further studying the topic.
  • Solving previous year question papers also helps in building the confidence to solve questions in less time.


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